Accountant Dalaine Waller is a Hero to Many Business Owners During This Pandemic

RALEIGH, NC / ACCESSWIRE / JULY 27, 2020 / When the pandemic hits, a lot of people are faced with financial struggles. However, this is not a problem for Vraiment Financial clients because CEO Dalaine Waller knows exactly what to do to assist them get back on their feet.

For almost two years before Waller started her own accounting firm, she was working in a credit union where she got paid only $12 an hour. She admitted that life before Vraiment Financial was filled with uncertainties – there were some days where she couldn’t pay rent, and she had to think of a way to get out of it. Her own credit at the time prohibited her to receive a higher position in the bank nor a higher wage. Her situation and dimmed passion for finances propelled her to learn more about the different departments in the bank on her own through countless research, books, and video lessons. This awareness and newfound knowledge about finances gave Waller the idea to start her own financial accounting company geared towards people who do not have the correct platform to learn about taxes and finances. “When you’re working in a credit union or bank, they would have financial coaching but only if you were in a certain tax bracket per year, and people from middle to even low class tax brackets do not have access to that,” she stated.

Making the jump was definitely a scary change, but Waller refused to conform to her lifestyle as a bank worker. Her enthusiasm to pour her knowledge onto others pushed her to take the leap of faith and built the business that she has always dreamed of. She started to go to many networking events to build her network and learned more about the tax code and tax laws. When she finally made six figures from her accounting firm, she realized that leaving her previous job was one of the best decisions that she has ever made. “Banks are about building a corporation and not about uplifting a community,” Waller claimed, which shapes her focus in building a sense of community in her company – and quite frankly, this aspect is what makes her accounting firm unique than the rest.

During the strike of the pandemic, Waller did not stop her services and went virtual with her accounting firm. Her website, Vraiment Financial, offers the best financial services that includes; tax planning, accounting & bookkeeping, tax preparation, business funding & grant research assistance, consumer credit counseling and business credit building. Waller’s strategy for her clients who can’t afford accounting services during this time is to pivot them into finding other resources such as grants, loans, or Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Bad times don’t stop Waller from assisting her clients get the best funding and keeping her business running and thriving.

These are her top tips for businesses that are trying to survive the pandemic:

1. Look at all of your offers and find out what doesn’t work right now and focus on what does.

Pay attention to the numbers, and try to offer packaged services for a lower cost!

2. Look at what your audience is asking for.

You can do this in a video format conversation or even surveys. Through these formats, you will be able to solve their actual needs. Listening to your clients is the key to success.

3. Be empathetic!

People are struggling right now. You don’t have to pretend that you have it all together because everyone can relate to your struggle too. Especially right now. If you are a client of Vraiment Financial, worry not, because Dalaine Waller is here to assist you with her friendly and loyal services.

To learn more about Vraiment Financial’s services, click the links below:

Instagram: @vraimentfinancial @mrs.laineb

Written By: Alya Putri

Media Contact:
Dalaine Waller

SOURCE: Dendy Media

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