Entrepreneur Marcello Cantu Focuses on the Small Victories

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / July 28, 2020 / Entrepreneur Marcello Cantu values the moments others often forget about.

“I try to focus on the small wins and not so much on the big wins because there are many small wins in the lifetime of a business,” says Cantu. “I know when times become difficult, there’s always a brighter day around the corner.”

Cantu is an entrepreneur from Dallas, Texas, who grew up with the ambition of one day owning his own business. After spending his childhood watching his grandfather create a successful business, his entrepreneurial mindset was molded and ingrained within him. Cantu wanted to help his grandfather with his business but recognized that bigger opportunities were potentially ahead. After graduating from the University of Texas at Dallas with a degree in marketing, Cantu packed his bags and moved to California.

In California, Cantu would find like-minded entrepreneurs- Andy Ta Kong, Paul Parker, and Mohammed Shakaoat. The four would grow a million-dollar Amazon management company by the name of Project Wifi. Cantu endured many ups and downs as every entrepreneur typically does along their journey to success. He believes the roller coaster moments are what ultimately lead him to where he is today, and Cantu would not change a thing.

His first failure came when he was trading cryptocurrency years ago. He was swing trading and shorting (betting that the price would go down) bitcoin. At one point, Cantu made $18,000 on a single trade. He would spend upwards of 10 hours a day waiting and trying to strategically time a trade for 20 days. He ended up missing by one hour and was devastated. One day, early in the morning, Cantu was exhausted and falling asleep. He had opened the trade at the best price available, and then he closed it once he realized that he could fall asleep any second and could not properly monitor it. He missed a huge trade that would have vastly surpassed his prior $18,000. Super emotional over his mistake, he started to over trade aggressively resulting in huge losses.

“When you’re very emotional, you shouldn’t be making any major decisions because there are always more opportunities around the corner.” says Cantu.

Cantu attributes his failures with shaping him into the person he is today. It helped him to create his newest company, Project WiFi, which he states is his biggest success in life thus far.

“it’s a win-win situation for both us- the clients as well as our employees.” says Cantu.

Cantu is creating a plethora of jobs for people in the Philippines, as his company has offices and workers out there. “A game plan, consistency, laser focus, and execution.” says Cantu when asked what manifests success.

If you would like more information on Project Wifi, you can contact them on their official website at https://projectwifi.io, or follow Marcello Cantu on Instagram.


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