10 Remote Jobs That Offer a Great Work-Life Balance and Still Pay Well

Having a job with flexible working hours is the dream, isn’t it?
However, dreams are only dreams if you don’t wake up and turn them into reality. For 66% of American employees, work-life balance remains just a dream. Seven out of ten American workers say that work stands in the way of a quality personal life.
But don’t give up just yet. There are many jobs out there that can help you recharge your batteries and get your life back on track. And while some of these jobs can be done entirely remotely, some require an occasional trip to the office.
However, we’ve done the hard work for you and gathered the best remote jobs that can not only help you maintain a balance between your career and your personal life but provide financial stability as well.
Without further ado, here are our picks for the top 10 remote jobs that could probably make your life a lot easier:
1. Research Engineer
Average annual salary: $82,739
Research engineers can be found in different industries and sectors, such as the mechanical, biochemical, aerospace, automotive industry, and many more. Their job is to collect information and data by performing thorough research and preparing budget reports and estimates. They usually have to solve complicated engineering problems, so they have to be experts in the analytics department and have great problem-solving skills.
2. Mobile Developer
Average annual salary: $92,644
A mobile developer’s main job is to build apps for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone platforms. Different companies usually hire them to build apps that meet customer needs. Since mobile technology enables flexible working for 52.59% of employees, it’s no surprise that mobile developers can often find the perfect balance between their job and personal life.
3. Strategy Manager
Average annual salary: $100,736
If you want to have a successful business, you need an excellent strategy manager. To be a strategy manager, you will have to multitask and monitor various activities within a company or an organization. Why is that? A strategy manager’s job is to develop and establish a plan to reach a company’s short-term and long-term goals. Their task is to determine the company’s strengths and weaknesses and create new opportunities for success. Usually, these are all well-versed professionals who work right under the executive managers, which might come with some perks. These perks often allow them to organize their working hours, thus leaving time for their personal life.
4. Data Scientist
Average annual salary: $96,089
Their job mostly consists of gathering and analyzing information from a big pool of data and using them in various ways for the good of the company. Merging the knowledge of computer science, analytics, math, and statistics, a data scientist can be instrumental in helping companies with major objectives. The future looks bright for all data scientists due to the constant data expansion and implementation of AI and the IoT, which brings about extremely large amounts of data. This job doesn’t require employees to work from the office, making it ideal for people looking for remote job opportunities.
5. Corporate Recruiter
Average annual salary: $59,947
A corporate recruiter is an individual that’s in charge of determining and finding new quality talent for the company. They are responsible for reviewing the candidate’s resumes and applications and narrowing down the applicants’ list. They have to take many factors into account and choose the top candidates for further evaluation. It’s actually believed that corporate recruiters might be the best at balancing their personal and professional life. This might be due to the fact that they don’t usually have a set time frame to get the job done, which allows them to be more flexible and focus on themselves.
6. Technical Account Manager
Average annual salary: $84,646
One of the biggest benefits of being a technical account manager is the flexible work schedule. This job provides an excellent work-life balance because you can work remotely from home. Technical account managers’ primary responsibilities in the company are to build relationships between teams and clients as well as to offer them high-profile technical support. However, they can also be used as mentors and train technical support specialists. That said, you do need a bachelor’s degree in order to apply for any technical account manager job.
7. DevOps Engineer
Average annual salary: $95,075
DevOps is defined as a set of practices aimed at integrating the processes between software development and IT teams so that software can be built, tested, and released faster. That said, we can say that a DevOps engineer works with both developers and IT staff and supervises their code releases. Apart from that, they also have many diverse roles and responsibilities, such as fixing companies’ dev tests and production environments. However, their main job is to work with software engineers and develop new operational programs.
8. Social Media Manager
Average annual salary: $51,170
All you need to know about a social media manager is in the title, right? Well, not quite. Before you start sending your resumes and applying for social media manager jobs, remember that a social media manager isn’t just a person who posts photos and likes comments on behalf of the company. It’s actually much, much more than that. A social media manager is in charge of representing the company across various social media platforms. These are highly-trained specialists who devise and execute their company’s social marketing strategy. They also advise companies on how to build and improve their online presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
9. UX Designer
Average annual salary: $74,022
The “UX” in UX designer stands for user experience. From the job title, we can see that their work is to decide and regulate how the users’ experience should look like. The UX designers are tasked with the job of improving the usability, while at the same time making the product more enjoyable and accessible. Keep in mind that being a UX designer requires being very diverse and demands combining different aspects of psychology, business, design, market research, and technology. Are you up for it?
10. UI Designer
Average annual salary: $64,763
UI and UX may sound similar, but they are very different. UI designers are responsible for making the UX designers’ visions come to life. The “UI” stands for user interface; thus, the working relationship between UI designers and UX designers is very close. The UI designer’s main task is to ensure their product provides a logical and smooth experience for the user or customer. As UX designers, UI designers also work mostly on games, apps, or websites, and UI is actually considered to be a subset of UX.
Maintaining a balance between your professional and personal life means putting in some effort and doing a lot of planning on your part. As mentioned above, there are a good number of jobs that can help you achieve just that. Although some of these jobs may be new and unconventional to you, they are sought after and a big part of the 21st-century business scene. Nonetheless, these are just a few of a wide range of job opportunities that can offer a steady income, and, most importantly, a permanent balance between your work and personal life.