Checkaso has released tools, tracking the effectiveness of attracting organic traffic around the world

November 3, 2020: Checkaso, an analytical ASO platform, has launched a new Performance section. This is the first tool of its kind on the mobile market. It provides data on the effectiveness of traffic acquisition for all countries and helps to monitor the quality of search optimization and localization. Data is available for any app and in one window.

The new Performance section makes it possible to:

  • Evaluate the efficiency of acquiring traffic in different locales, both your own and that of your competitors.
  • Understand what prevents you from attracting more traffic: low ranking, insufficient work with the Browse/Explore channel or optimization quality.
  • Select current queries based on their metrics: popularity, number of impressions, and changes in ranking for certain keywords. The values can be analyzed in dynamics.
  • Monitor your competitors’ every action in different locales and draw conclusions about possible search engine optimization strategies.
  • Keep track of the success of your own and competitors’ localization in one place and in a convenient format: through maps, lists, and diverse charts.

Ksenia Burn, COO & CPO of Checkaso: “Any app owner wants to enter new markets. The Performance Tool is a kind of a roadmap for an app promotion strategy. It allows you to quickly assess the situation, analyze competitors in the context of any country, and understand how to move on. What markets do your competitors occupy? Where is their presence most successful? By what keywords and in which countries are they indexed? What queries do you need to include in your search optimization to displace competitors in a specific locale? Do not rely on guesswork, but on exact metrics – popularity, number of impressions, change in app positions by these keywords. No one has ever offered such a convenient and widescale solution. We’re glad we can make life much easier for developers, app owners, and ASO specialists.”

Data for some popular apps

App name and store

Country with highest Performance Index*

Country with lowest Performance Index*

Among Us (Google Play)

Republic of Belarus – 9,1

Azerbaijan – 4,3

Candy Crush Saga (GooglePlay)

Vietnam – 7,3

Norway – 3,7

Homescapes (GooglePlay)

Hungary – 7,4

Ireland – 4,7

Pokémon GO (Google Play)

Spain – 7,9

Turkey – 1,8

Disney+ (App Store)

USA – 9,6

Brasil – 0,2

Roblox (App Store)

Australia – 5,8

Poland – 1,5

Tinder (App Store)

Colombia – 9,8

Denmark – 2,4

YouTube (App Store)

South Africa– 9,7

Poland – 4,9

* Performance Index is an indicator of the effectiveness of attracting organic traffic by an app from 0 to 10. It takes into account the quality of app optimization, ranking by keywords, and visibility in the app store. Comparison of the Performance Index by country clearly shows which markets should be promoted more actively. The more organic traffic, the higher the income.

About Checkaso
Checkaso is an analytical ASO-platform that rates your ASO performance and gives you custom tips on how to improve it. It’s made by ASO specialists and fits users of any experience from new ASO to the enthusiast with a lot of optimized apps behind. Checkaso platform was launched in 2019 and is constantly growing with new features: Text Editor, ASO Overview, Competitor Analysis, Performance Index, and others. It’s used by clients from 207 countries. We attentively monitor changes in store algorithms, making our data even more accurate right along. Learn more at

For more information, please contact:
Irina Heinz
Content Marketer

Source: RealWire

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