How the Founder of Upturn Network Generated Over 40 Million Streams From Nothing
LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / January 15, 2021 / Spotify is the go-to online music streaming service for hundreds of millions of people. One of the big attractions to Spotify over other music streaming services that used to be the top dogs (Pandora, Napster, etc.) is the ability to create and discover user-curated playlists. This has been one of the main ways previously unknown artists ended up developing large and active fan bases. Young entrepreneur and avid listener Eli Rossman had seen this incredible feature put into action many times and decided to become a taste maker as well.
Eli’s passion for discovering new talent led him to start curating playlists of his favorite artists. He learned how to pack a lot of talent into a playlist, including only the best songs that people would instantly fall in love with. This led to listeners sharing these playlists with others, leading to more and more streams for those artists. After going viral and getting onto Spotify’s top charts, active fan bases developed themselves.
To date, Eli’s Upturn Network, which revolutionized the creation of careers for artists, has led to an astonishing 40 million streams, 7 million listeners, and a massive 700,000 followers on the network’s playlists. This is an extraordinary feat, and one that Eli hopes to expand and scale even more throughout 2021 with the expansion into more traditional American music.
Eli has also been able to secure editorial placements for his artists on Spotify’s “Viral 50” charts. He has also been able to enter Spotify’s daily Top 200 in several countries since his company’s founding in late 2019.
There have been a number of independent and unsigned musicians that have enjoyed the spoils of being on one of Eli’s playlists, including Upturn’s own artists like the study aid Issana and the holiday anomaly The Rossman Ensemble. When it comes to The Rossman Ensemble in particular, there has been phenomenal organic growth that has led to extraordinary results, with the group’s lead single landing at #94 on Spotify’s top holiday tracks list.
This Christmas artist saw the height of their popularity during the 2020 holiday season, just months after releasing their album. The peak daily streams topped out on Christmas Eve at 1.08 million, while the peak monthly listeners reached 1.7 million on Christmas day. These are staggering numbers for an artist that was unheard of before Eli launched them to fame this past holiday season.
All of the artist’s success was achieved without using any sort of outside promotion whatsoever. Eli understands what goes into making a solid playlist that people will listen to and share with others, and leverages that ability to bring new tracks to the world.
Generating tens of millions of streams from millions of listeners is no easy feat, yet Eli makes it look simple. By using Upturn Network, he plans to expand the positive influence he has had when it comes to promoting and growing obscure artists from all over the world.
You can visit the Upturn Network website to learn more. You can also check out The Rossman Ensemble, Upturn Network’s Christmas artist here.
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SOURCE: Upturn Network
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