News about JSC Olainfarm Supervisory Council and Management Board

Juris Bundulis has been elected as a Chairperson of the Supervisory Council of JSC Olainfarm and Sandis Petrovičs has been elected as a Deputy Chairperson.

Supplementing previously published information about members of JSC Olainfarm Supervisory Council it is disclosed that Irina Maligina indirectly owns 1 097 051 shares of JSC Olainfarm.

The Supervisory Council of JSC Olainfarm approved Janis Leimanis as a Member of the Management Board. Board members Elena Bushberg, Signe Baldere-Sildedze and Raimonds Terentjevs continue to fulfil their duties at the Management Board of JSC Olainfarm.

Since 2020 Jānis Leimanis is a Member of the Supervisory Board of Latvijas Valsts Radio un Televīzijas Centrs and Rīgas Namu Pārvaldnieks Ltd. Since 2004 Member of the Management Board of JL Index Ltd, Private Ltd, responsible for business development and operational management. From February 2019 to February 2020, Member of the Management Board of CatchSmart Ltd, responsible for business development and operational management, implementation of the launch of programming services for public institutions and ministries. From 2016 to 2018, he was Chairman of the Management Board of Clean R Ltd, responsible for the strategic development and day-to-day management. From 2015 to present J. Leimanis is the Chairman of the Management Board of Jēkabpils Kokapstrāde Ltd, responsible for the strategic development of the company, reorganisation of operations, and ensuring the interests of shareholders.

Jānis Lemanis holds an Engineer’s Degree in Engineering and Industrial Management as well as Bachelor’s Degree from the Riga Technical University. He has the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) qualification. In addition, he is an authorised valuation expert of business interests, debt and equity instruments by the Register of Enterprises of Latvia. He has graduated from the Mini MBA program of Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (SSE Riga). He is also a Member of the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance.

Janis Leimanis indirectly owns 10 521 shares of JSC Olainfarm.

Additional information:  
Jānis Dubrovskis
Investor Relations Advisor of JSC Olainfarm
Phone: +371 29178878

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