Andrew Pandolfo of Copper Beech Wealth Management Lends Helping Hand to Mental Health Professionals Community

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / July 7, 2021 / As an experienced financial professional, Andrew Pandolfo of Copper Beech Wealth Management Group of Raymond James, has found working with mental health professionals to be the ultimate reward. With years of industry experience, he understands the unique needs and experiences mental health professionals face, claiming that it is vital to provide mental health professionals with a sense of security.

“We’re thrilled to be offering free financial plans to any mental health professional that is interested. This is our token of appreciation for the tremendous work these professionals have carried out through 2020,” Andrew says.

Andrew has exclusively worked with mental health professionals due to his huge admiration and respect for the work they do. “I’ve experienced it firsthand; my family and friends work through their mental health struggles. Without the expertise from the mental health workers, I truly do not know how my life would be.” Giving back to the mental health community is Andrew’s way of showing thanks and appreciation.

Working with mental health professionals, Andrew has been able to identify three blind spots that mental health professionals are unaware of:

Personal Expenses vs. Business Expenses

There are mental health professionals that are small business owners and would benefit from working with a financial advisor to understand their cash flow. This would enable them to see the exact amount they have to spend and what amount needs to be saved.

Pressure of work

Mental health professionals work with families, individuals, teens, and children to help them overcome their obstacles. These professionals have truly impactful work, but there are often career burnouts because of the pressure. An experienced financial advisor, familiar with working with mental health professionals, can help design a game plan for their uncertainties in life.

Understanding your retirement savings options

Most mental health professionals do not understand the savings vehicles they can utilize to save for retirement. By partnering with a financial advisor, they can understand what savings vehicle works best for them.

Andrew Pandolfo (AAMS) is a financial advisor currently serving the community of mental health professionals. As a partner at Copper Beech Wealth Management Group of Raymond James, he specializes in designing custom-tailored financial plans for the mental health experts he works with. Andrew offers these custom-tailored financial plans as a free complimentary service.

Contact Information:

Andrew Pandolfo AAMS.
Phone: 914-600-8204

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SOURCE: Copper Beech Wealth Management Group

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