An Investment Strategy Conversation with Tom Rogerson, Financial Advisor

IRVINE, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 3, 2021 / A financial advisor should help you pick more than winners in the stock and bond market. A financial advisor should help you piece together an overall financial plan.

In putting together a financial plan, there should be a varied level of diversification based on the investors age, outlook, and goals. A diversified investment portfolio with multiple legs brings a higher level of security to a portfolio. This concept became painfully clear to people who have put all their money into one basket and saw a market crash, a real estate crash, or invested solely with a Bernie Madoff who offered, in fact, too good to be true returns.

Aside from having multiple legs, many people that seek diversification also frequently have more than one financial advisor. Having more than one advisor, should help provide not only a variety of perspectives, but a variety of capabilities as well. In having multiple financial advisors, it should be recognized that not all financial advisors have the same abilities, licensing requirements, or access to products.

Advisors that can utilize tax advantage strategies or varied investment vehicles can help investors better shelter parts of their nest egg that are valuable. In addition, not all advisors have access to the same funds or investments. Investment vehicles that are normally only offered to a select group of investors that offer stable and secure income streams for life during retirement are a must for any savvy investor. What most people do not know is that some financial products are not available or accessible to most financial advisors. Our group tries to fill in that market need.

As any good investment portfolio has multiple legs, smart investors know that real estate, stocks and bonds, income-for-life security plans, and even protection against the declining health of the investor through insurance (as medical problems and things like long term care can bankrupt a retirement portfolio if the retiree gets sick or disabled). As people are living longer, and more and more people require long term care, safeguards can now be built into many retirement packages for both the investor and their spouse to help protect their nest egg.

In days gone by, many companies used to look after their workers in retirement in regard to both health plans and pension plans. To most people today though this is no longer available. As a result, people need to better prepare for their own financial futures. Especially now that many workers are taking multiple jobs or gig jobs that don’t offer things like a 401k, or are independent contractors and usually have to set up their own savings plan. Because of this new reality, there is a huge need out there for structured retirement planning as people need to have a long-term savings plan beyond day trading or chasing stocks and bonds searching for winners, as few can “beat the street.”

Too many of these people just don’t adequately save for retirement, or their retirements are severely underfunded and they don’t know it. Many people that have 401k’s think they have enough money, only to find out their retirement accounts get taxed, and many others are fearful they are going to run out of money.

Many savers today also fall into the trap of thinking that covering people’s retirement is what Social Security is for. Sadly, for most, this is far from true.

Since its creation, Social Security was meant to provide ONE stable secure leg of a PORTION of their retirement. For many, Social Security payments might only be 20-40% of their retirement income, as Social Security was intended to be only a portion of people’s income in retirement.

Because of this reality, people need additional income or more sources of secure income to have enough cash in retirement. This has caused concern for many investors, because with huge government debt and deficits, and the increasing number of people eligible for benefits, many people worry if Social Security is even going to be solvent when they retire when it’s their turn to collect from a system they long paid into.

The best plans start early.

As with all savings plans the earlier you start, the better off you are, this is because early savings over time becomes substantial because of the compounding effect of money. If money doubles every 7 to 10 years, imagine the difference if you start saving when you are 23 vs. 33, or for that matter 23 vs. 50.

As you get older, rebalance your portfolio to lock in gains.

To protect against market downturns, people need to revisit their portfolios with their advisors to become more defensive as they approach retirement, as well as after they retire. Nobody wants to run out of money in retirement or outlive their money.

We believe there is an enormous group of people who are not adequately prepared for retirement, that many estimate to be well above 70-75%, and of the 25% that might have prepared to have enough money for retirement, most might not have asset balance or diversification in case of a significant market downturn during their retirement.

What we do.

We offer assistance to people looking for more security in their portfolios to roll over a portion of their 401k’s to bring their portfolios into balance, with tax strategies to protect their savings, and indexed strategies that protect against market downturns. We also consider for many, income for life strategies, protection against catastrophic disability or illness to help protect their nest egg so they don’t have to worry so much about running out of money in retirement.

Our group focuses on many of these aspects and is rapidly expanding from our original base here in Southern California to areas in the Northeast, Southeast and Southwest, and Northwest with recent attention paid to growing places like Florida, and Texas.

We also try to keep up ahead of the curve with things that might affect financial markets in the future, like any potential Tax changes, potential changes to the SWIFT Banking System, and we even go so far as to have people in our group keeping abreast of things that could affect economic thinking and perspective in the future with looking at concepts like NESARA or a Quantum Financial System. We want to be prepared for anything that might possibly affect our investors, as we were well prepared for the COVID crash in early 2020.

Tom Rogerson, Financial Advisor – Irvine, CA

Aside from finance, Tom also spent time in Commercial Real Estate, as Tom Rogerson is also the author of an upcoming investment book that covers many of the financial aspects and considerations of buying and owning your own home – How to Buy and Manage Your Biggest Investment – Your Home

And it can be found on presale on Amazon here.


Company Name: Supernova Agency – Iliad Group
Contact Person: Tom Rogerson
Phone Number: 949-358-4533
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SOURCE: Supernova Agency – Iliad Group

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