How Is Wanda.Exchange Transforming The Global Money Market-A Deeper Crackdown

CHONBURI, THAILAND / ACCESSWIRE / September 15, 2021 / Currently emerging as the largest Crypto Payments giant in Thailand, Wanda.Exchange is amongst the hottest topics for discussion in crypto communities today! The reason behind the current popularity of Wanda is the vision they carry, started with a vision to transform the Global Money Markets, Wanda.Exchange aims at creating a financial revolution. And the reason behind the widespread interest in Wanda.Exchange is their innovative platform and super-crisp solutions to some of the largest glitches in the current financial infrastructure.

How Does Wanda.Exchange Changes It All

Wanda’s center of attraction is its modern state of art highly-personalized blockchain and PoS solutions to transform the global payment infrastructures. Like you can make 0 fee crypto transactions using Wanda.Exchange’s Crypto ATMs. And the technology behind it is truly amazing-The core team behind Wanda.Exchange put in years of research and observations to develop their highly specialized blockchain to achieve this stellar rate.

Through the launch of their native token for the functioning of their ecosystem, Wanda.Exchange are stepping into the Crypto ATM industry for the benefit of all eliminating the standard 12% withdrawal FEE. And the reason behind the current hot discussion in the crypto community is the launch of WE Token, which is into its private sale at the moment. The vision behind Wanda is the real value of their native token and carrying such a revolutionary vision, we can surely be seeing Wanda.Exchange emerging as the largest crypto giants in the coming time.

How Will WE Token Help The Current Business Scenario?

It is very important to understand that, WE Token is just a small part of Wanda’s Financial Infrastructure aimed at smoothening the overall process. The major changes after te launch of WE that would be observed are:

  • 0 FEE Crypto ATM services!
  • 0 FEE transactions on Crypto PoS Devices: The merchants using Wanda’s PoS devices would be able to make transactions at 0 charges after the launch of WE Token for the functioning of their blochchain.
  • Ends the FIAT conversion issue for tourists-Any traveller or businessman just needs to hold one currency-WE Token and carry it to any part of the worls. He/She can easily exchange WE Token for cash local cash at best rates through Wanda’s Crypto ATMs that you can spot almost everywhere in the world.
  • Bringing Cryptocurrencies to Real Life Meanings-Wanda Exchange specializes in offering real estate and other luxury services in exchange of crypto! And currently operates with its widespread nexus in Thailand where they sell almost everything in exchange for crypto! And after the launch of WE Token, everyone will be able to make 0 fee transactions irrespective of the size of the transaction.

The Bottom line

In the current time where just few people have the hold over the global economic powers, Wanda.Exchange’s new financial model really has the potential to transform the world. And the over-whelming response being given to Wanda.Exchange’s ICO can truly be justified because everyone wants to be the part of the change, and specially the mid sized business people are highly interested in them. It would not be any injustics to say that having a look at Wanda.Exchange’s Whitepaper would be worth every single minute you spend on it, because it’s the time when we observe the change and we become a part of the change.


Mr. Diego Hert (Chief Marketing Officer) 
Ph No- +66. 38111801 

SOURCE: Wanda.Exchange CO ltd.

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