CEO, Daniel Yomtobian, Reveals Brand-Building Prospects Caused by the Pandemic

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 19, 2021 / The COVID-19 outbreak has turned the world upside down, disrupting economies and changing daily habits. Not knowing how to react, companies concentrated on survival and getting ready for the economic downturn that would come next. However, history has shown that disruptive events and economic downturns can also create opportunities for brands to raise their profile, attract new customers, and foster loyalty, notes seasoned entrepreneur and prominent digital media professional Daniel Yomtobian, He adds, “Despite the extremely challenging and uncertain business climate, the shift in consumer behaviors offers brands the chance to emerge stronger in the post-pandemic world. Even though most companies have trimmed their advertising budgets, they can still benefit by adapting their strategies to reach target audiences with the right message through the right channel.”

While stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures have been relaxed, it is widely expected that they will have a long-term impact on shopping habits and leisure activities. One of the most notable outcomes of the pandemic has been its impact on online shopping: according to a recent IBM report, the public health crisis has accelerated the shift to e-commerce by about five years. In the United States alone, 62% of consumers now shop online more than they did pre-COVID, and the figure on a global scale is 49%. Another major development is the massive increase in home media consumption, with preference given to TV and streaming services. Daniel Yomtobian comments, “Even before the pandemic, online advertising was steadily growing its share of total ad spend, but it is now clear that digital should be a priority for brands in this new world. However, they still need to ensure that their ads appear on trusted platforms, carry a relevant message, encourage responsible behavior, and promote empathy.”

With careful planning and strategic adjustment, it is possible to capitalize on the current environment to raise brand awareness, according to Daniel Yomtobian. Companies now have massive audiences they can reach across various channels as people continue to social-distance and remote working becomes widespread. To capture this opportunity, brands need to prioritize messages that emphasize safety and convenience, which are the primary concerns of consumers at present. It is also an extremely opportune time to utilize advertising technology that facilitates interaction with ads and makes it easier for audiences to engage with brands. Companies that address today’s issues tactfully and empathetically, reach out through the right channels, offer convenience, and provide relevant solutions will earn the trust of consumers and reap long-term benefits from their current efforts.

Daniel Yomtobian is a pioneering figure in the online media space and has received multiple awards for his work in digital advertising. He is the founder of several successful businesses, among them, which has grown to become the world’s largest privately held keyword pay-per-click (PPC) network. Highlighting his professional expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, Daniel Yomtobian was recognized as a “…young leader [who] will continue to play an important role in shaping the online world of tomorrow.”

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Daniel Yomtobian

15303 Ventura Blvd Ste 1150
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

SOURCE: Daniel Yomtobian

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