USU wins leading European retail group as a new customer for SAP® license management

Möglingen, Germany – November 2, 2021 – A pan-European retail group (“the customer”) has opted for software and services from USU to optimize its group-wide software license management. The USU Software Asset Management (SAM) solution for SAP® software is being used in the company’s own data center.

The aim of the project is to determine the best possible license usage for the entire SAP portfolio and to ensure compliance by means of transparent, automated control of purchased and used software. More than 50 SAP contracts currently regulate the use of a double-digit number of SAP systems within the customer organization.

“We are delighted about the trust placed in us by our new customer and are convinced that by implementing our SAP solution we will help to achieve significant cost optimization while minimizing risks,” says Achim Rudolph, Managing Director of USU Technologies.

This press release is available at

As a leading provider of software and services for IT and customer service management, USU enables companies to master the demands of today’s digital world. Global organizations use our solutions to cut costs, become more agile and reduce risks – with smarter services, simpler workflows and better collaboration. With more than 40 years of experience and locations worldwide, the USU team brings customers into the future.

In addition to USU GmbH, which was founded in 1977, the subsidiaries USU Technologies GmbH, USU Solutions GmbH, USU Solutions Inc. and USU SAS also belong to USU Software AG (ISIN DE 000A0BVU28), which is listed in the Prime Standard of the German Stock Exchange.

Further information:

USU Solutions Inc.
Evonne Wetzner
Marketing Director

USU Software AG
Dr. Thomas Gerick
Corporate Communications Manager

USU Software AG
Investor Relations Manager
Falk Sorge

Source: RealWire

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