Uplers is Disrupting The Global Remote Hiring Landscape With World-Class Indian Tech Talent

SAN DIEGO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 3, 2021 / Uplers was founded with the mission to help companies hire world-class technical and marketing talent – faster, more efficiently, and at a competitive salary with a focus on Indian talent. They serve various industries, each dynamic in their own way, with unique approaches to hiring and managing talent. Uplers provides solutions from a service provider’s perspective, recognizing both that remote hiring always comes with its own fair share of difficulties, and that each and every industry has had to adapt and make changes over the past decade in order to stay ahead of the game.

Uplers aims to solve the problem of traditional hiring methodologies, particularly when it comes to vetting, shortlisting, and managing team members. Indeed, while the global pandemic has changed the way companies operate, deliver, and source talent, remote hiring has broken down previously existing geographical boundaries, allowing companies to hire anyone across the globe on the merits of talent and not location, while also being able to indirectly fulfill the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

From a business owner’s perspective, there’s never been a better time to get into the Indian tech talent ecosystem either, which already boasts a staggering 5.5 million technical professionals, a number increasing by 500,000+ every year with each new generation of university graduates. With the major shortage of technical talent across the globe as well as the accelerated adoption of remote working, Uplers provides a great opportunity for companies to tap into a new source of expertise as they strive to create their MVPs, scale their existing enterprises, and perhaps one day become unicorns. With Uplers acting as a trusted technical partner every step of the way, it’s always a win-win situation.

The Uplers Story

Founder Jaymin Bhuptani has always understood that the way businesses operate changes at an increasingly fast rate. Every 5 years, things are completely different, especially in the digital and IT industries, where the growing adoption of new solutions and technologies like automation and AI-driven solutions continues to make life easier for thousands around the globe with each new wave of innovation.

However, Uplers has always been ahead of the curve. Closing gaps between quality and cost across a variety of other marketing disciplines during the early days and fostering a remote-first culture well before the pandemic made it a global standard, they have proven themselves time and time again through each wave of drastic changes.

Uplers’ latest service model was informed by one of their formative experiences: struggling to hire the right people at the right time during the growth phase, a problem shared by many businesses which had yet to be properly addressed by a solution provider. The bar is higher these days too – the remote hiring industry has become much more than just a cost-cutting exceptional service provider, and reputation, as well as experience, matters more than ever.

Firms like Uplers have thus developed a reputation for excellence, forging relationships with clients and delivering 6-figure value through capitalizing on opportunities to innovate processes while ensuring each one of their employees has top-notch talent.

Uplers’ new offering builds on a reputation for world-class service developed over the years through helping over 7000 global clients (including Fortune 500 companies like Amazon, Disney, Ogilvy, National Geographic, and DHL) with a variety of other projects.

With their unique remote hiring model, they are poised to ensure a new generation of companies is able to recruit effectively and seize every opportunity without any hindrance.

Doing Things Differently

While watching the demand for remote talent increase, Uplers felt like the choice to hire remote talent from other countries – especially India – remained highly underrated. It didn’t make sense to them that developed countries were suffering through the ‘great resignation,’ where hiring and retaining talent was such a struggle, while India already had millions of people ready to start delivering world-class work at a moment’s notice.

Using their 9+ years of experience, Uplers created a centralized network of the country’s top talent and connected them individually with major companies for as little as half the price of what they’d pay locally. Their approach makes the hiring process radically more efficient, more reliable, and more rapid. Their approach is also risk-free too, as they offer both guaranteed replacement and refund policies. Currently, they specialize in helping companies fill in ReactJs, AngularJs, NodeJs, WordPress, Laravel roles, as well as marketing roles like paid marketers and programmatic specialists.

Future Plans

While their current offering is focused around developers and marketers, early next year, Uplers plan to expand their offering to include highly-demanded skill sets in the CRM and marketing automation domains, with platforms to include Salesforce, Marketo, and Adobe. UX/UI designers are also in the pipeline.

The Uplers story is one of constant growth. Scaling is close to founder Jaymin Bhuptani’s heart, as it creates opportunities across the board – within the company, for clients, and for society as a whole. Over the next 5 years, Uplers aims to grow their community of technical talent 10 times bigger, reaching at least 5,000 by 2025, and establish themselves as a role model within the wider remote talent industry.

Keep Up With Uplers

Company Website: www.uplers.com

Company Twitter: https://twitter.com/weareuplers

Company Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareuplers/?hl=en

Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/weareuplers/

Founder LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayminbhuptani/

Press Contact: zaki@theprgenius.com

SOURCE: Uplers

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