Dinosaur Group Forms External Independent Financial Crimes Compliance Advisory Board
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#DinosaurFinancialGroup–Dinosaur Group Holdings LLC (“Dinosaur”), parent company of U.S.-based FINRA-regulated institutional brokerage firm Dinosaur Financial Group, LLC and UK-based FCA-regulated international investment banking firm Dinosaur Merchant Bank Limited, announced the formation of its external independent Financial Crimes Compliance Advisory Board (the “FCC ADVISORY BOARD”) composed of international FCC experts. Recognizing risks to financial institutions by money launderers, bribery and corruption and attempts to evade economic sanctions, Dinosaur formed the FCC ADVISORY BOARD to enhance the firm’s understanding of risks and ability to combat developments in financial crimes.
“Russian oligarchs’ property divestments and ensuing potential for money laundering heighten the importance of our vigilance in fighting financial crimes,” commented Paul Becker, Dinosaur Merchant Bank Board Member and Managing Director.
“In an ever-more complex world, Dinosaur is proud to deploy our newly formed FCC Advisory Board’s decades of experience and expert advice benefiting our clients, counterparties and regulators,” noted Glenn Grossman, Dinosaur Chairman and CEO.
JOSEPH BAUMAN – expert witness, experienced risk manager and strategic advisor for multiple financial institutions, including Chemical Bank, Citibank and Bank of America. Former Chief Administrative Officer for a major structured investment advisor, he developed risk monitoring systems for what was then the largest credit derivatives product company in the market. Joe is also a former chairman and board member of ISDA.
BARRY KOCH – renowned for providing expert witness and advisory services relating to domestic and international money laundering and terror financing cases. Former Chief Compliance Officer and Global Head of Anti-Money Laundering Compliance for global financial institutions and former Assistant District Attorney in New York County, he is also a law professor and former Commissioner of the Liechtenstein Initiative.
WILLIAM (“BILL”) TUPMAN – highly-regarded academic specializing in police- and terrorism-related subjects. Senior Honorary Research Fellow in The Centre for European Governance at the University of Exeter, and expert in transnational crime, terrorism, and the process of creating a supranational police response to these phenomena. A Russia specialist, Bill’s work focused on the relationship between Eastern and Western Europe. He has been an advisor, lecturer and tutor to police and military courses since 1971.
DAN WAGER – former Director of the New York High Intensity Financial Crimes Area (“HIFCA”), the premier U.S. regional financial unit responsible for the development and support of money laundering and terrorism finance investigations. A high-level FCC compliance officer at multiple global financial institutions and global FCC consulting companies, he built and implemented FCC controls for some of the world’s most sophisticated financial institutions.
ART MIDDLEMISS (Advisor to the Board) – a testifying expert in anti-money laundering compliance, Art provides strategic counsel to entities seeking to mitigate FCC-related risks to entities around the world. Art was Director of the Global Anti-Corruption Program and held senior anti-money laundering related positions at a global financial institution. As a white-collar crimes prosecutor, he led the New York County District Attorney’s international financial crimes bureau, where he handled international money laundering, corruption, sanctions, and securities fraud matters.
About Dinosaur
Founded in 2001, Dinosaur Group Holdings LLC (“Dinosaur”) is the parent company of U.S.-based FINRA-regulated institutional brokerage firm Dinosaur Financial Group, LLC, UK-based FCA-regulated international investment firm Dinosaur Merchant Bank Limited, and U.S.-based SEC-registered investment firm DCM Advisors, LLC. Serving clients across six continents, the overall team of approximately 150 professionals is proud of Dinosaur’s stable management, strong compliance, solid operations and diverse talent.
(Media) Holly Singer, HS Marketing, holly@hsmarketing.com, 609.423.4255
(Dinosaur) Glenn Grossman. ggrossman@dinogroup.com, 212.448.9251