Pertamina posts record net profit of Rp29.3 trillion

JAKARTA, Jun 22, 2022 – (ACN Newswire) – State-owned oil and gas firm PT Pertamina (Persero) posted a record net profit of Rp29.3 trillion in 2021 following a successful business transformation.
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The 2021 transformation helped push up its consolidated net profit (audited) to US$2.046 billion or around Rp29.3 trillion, president director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, said in a statement issued in Jakarta on Tuesday.
The figure was almost double compared to the 2020 net profit of Rp15.3 trillion and exceeded the 2021 Corporate Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) target by 154 percent.
In 2021, Pertamina transformed its business by increasing efficiency and production, carrying out energy transition, developing oil and gas infrastructure, and implementing the Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) project.
Widyawati said Pertamina’s successful transformation in 2021 was owing to the formation of the oil and gas holding with six sub-holdings: upstream sub-holding, refining and petrochemical sub-holding, commercial and trading sub-holding, gas sub-holding, integrated marine logistics sub-holding, and new and renewable energy sub-holding.
“This transformation is a strategic step to adapt to future business changes, moving more agile and faster, focusing on broader and aggressive business development,” Widyawati said.
Pertamina’s positive financial performance was also demonstrated by earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) of US$9.2 billion.
This shows that Pertamina’s finances are in a healthy (AA) and safe condition amid the disruption and geopolitical challenges affecting the global oil, gas, and energy industry, Widyawati said.
Pertamina’s net profit was the consolidated profit of all subsidiaries from upstream, processing, to downstream.
Most of the profit was contributed by the upstream sector’s revenue, which surged due to rising Indonesian crude prices (ICP). The downstream sector remained under pressure from the high cost of fuel production, the largest component of which is crude oil, Widyawati said.
In 2021, upstream oil and gas production increased from 863 thousand oil barrels equivalent per day (MBOEPD) in 2020 to 897 MBOEPD. Thus, Pertamina contributed more than 60 percent to national oil and gas production.
In addition, with Pertamina’s massive drilling, production at Rokan Block also increased. Various efficiency programs also resulted in cost savings of US$1.4 billion.
Fuel production was also achieved according to the target, so there were no additional imports. Since April 2019, Pertamina is no longer importing solar and Avtur fuel, Widyawati said.
Pertamina has also completed the construction of two giant oil and gas tankers, namely VLCC Pertamina Pride and Pertamina Prime, which will be used for the global market.
Meanwhile, to improve fuel supply reliability in Eastern Indonesia, Pertamina has built and operated 13 new fuel terminals.
Pertamina is also running National Strategic Projects (PSN), including the Balikpapan RDMP Refinery (47 percent completion), Balongan RDMP refinery (68.5 percent completion), Cilacap Green Refinery, Tuban GRR Refinery, as well as other priority projects to strengthen Pertamina’s petrochemicals business such as Polypropylene Balongan, Revamping Aromatic TPPI, and Olefin TPPI, she said.
Integrated digitization from upstream to downstream has been one of the keys to Pertamina’s successful controlling of the production and distribution of fuel, as well as the improvement in the service quality to the community.
Through its Integrated Command Center, all operational activities can be monitored online and in real-time. The use of MyPERTAMINA application for cashless payments is increasing, and currently, it has reached more than 22 million users, Widyawati informed.
With the 2021 new energy development, in addition to the Biosolar B30 production, the Cilacap Refinery has succeeded in producing renewable diesel (100 percent biodiesel), with a capacity of 3 thousand barrels per day.
Contact: Fajriyah Usman, VP Corporate Communications, PT Pertamina (Persero)
M: +62 858 8330 8686, Email:, URL:
Written by: Azis Kurmala, Editor: Suharto (c) ANTARA 2022
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