Breaking Down Boundaries And Barriers For International Photography: Scopio Is Creating A New Way To See The World How It Truly Is

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / April 19, 2021 / The world is recognizing the need for diverse images. All different forms of media are trying to be more inclusive and demonstrate more diverse stories. However, there are barriers for artists despite talent everywhere. Breaking the chains of racial and gender bias, Scopio, an AI-based image marketplace, is working to eliminate these barriers by doing exactly that, showing a more representative look on life. Scopio’s mission is to replace every image on the web to be more representative of the world we live in.

The company’s vision is to allow artists, via their pictures, to tell their stories no matter where they come from with the ultimate goal of being able to use these pictures to more accurately depict our world. By providing a platform for these artists, Scopio has been able to display genuine stories from people all over the world.

This work comes with many opportunities. One main opportunity was scaling their AI images so that they could be discovered almost instantly. As they explain, though this generation has been the most involved in creating photo content, many can’t find the opportunities to publish and monetize their art. From rappers in Iran, black artists, illustrators in India, to female photographers in Ecuador, there are many stopping blocks to getting their work out there. On the other side of the spectrum, the lack of authentic images for businesses and freelancers means an inability to connect to different audiences. Scopio is connecting these two sides to transform visual storytelling and representation across industries.

Scopio’s secret weapon in this battle to increase artists diversity which diversifies images is their use of artificial intelligence or AI as well as automation and customization. Their advanced searching methods and customization of data allows the customer to buyer and supplier to find each other in a much quicker and easier fashion. This has helped facilitate the connection between over 25,000 users who are using the Scopio platform. Millions of people from all professional areas have benefited from personalization.

The creator of Scopio, Christina Hawatmeh, was motivated to get into this business when she realized the massive issue around representation in photography and other forms of visual media in general, and that there wasn’t a platform that makes it accessible for people telling stories from their communities to share with the world. As previously stated, Scopio’s mission is to replace every image on the web to be more representative of the world we live in.

“We have over 14,000 artists from 150 countries earning money and building their careers on Scopio. Contributors can upload their images, get paid, and get views. They can also save and download data on the performance of their images, and access different benefits such as collaboration opportunities with companies and contributors. Finally, they receive perks and discounts and connect with other artists to help them succeed. Through Scopio, some are getting millions of views and thousands of downloads and making dozens of new friends a week,” Christina explains.

With so much work to do in the art industry, the Scopio team is working hard to their content out there as well as continuing with new and exciting projects. Take a look at the rise of NFT’s. One image can be re-interpreted thousands of times and really create new forms of art. For example, an astronaut photo that gets re-mixed for NFT. In this way the artists are not only our photographers but also our thousands of users around the world. That is why Scopio is here to help people expand the horizons that their art can reach. This year, they are going to be pushing ahead with two big projects as a part of Scopio V3: a Contributor Portal and Enhanced Search for Customers.

To keep up with all that Scopio is doing, follow them on Instagram here and check out their website here.

Paula Henderson

SOURCE: Scopio

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