Why People Are Still the Key Ingredient in any Business

The movement towards wholly technological business processes and artificial intelligence systems in the realm of business has been incredible and is seemingly unstoppable. The speed at which new tech is able to disrupt existing business models and initiate positive changes for both customers and businesses alike has meant that tech seems to be taking over, and the rise of the machines has seen many American workers feeling threatened by these changes.

On the contrary, people remain an important aspect of any business infrastructure, and this article will discuss why this is still the case and why the human element of the workforce is as critical to American economic growth as it ever has been. 

Understanding the human element

The human element has always been somewhat of a costly unknown, and as such, it is the one aspect of the business where machines seem to be a better option. Having a clear understanding of how to treat the human element and what to expect from the workforce is a useful start in the process of re-analyzing the human-tech relationship. Hence an online MBA in human resources is a terrific first step to get the most out of your personnel. 

People buy people

It’s an old marketing and sales adage, and it still rings true, whether it’s the salesperson who finalizes the sale or the voice on the other side of the line confirming the delivery time. Having the personal human touch at the right touchpoint in a business cycle is essential for growth and increased revenue.

People build brands and create stories

Regardless of the product, it’s the people who use it and continue to buy it that create the brand story. Perhaps more so now, in an age of the social media marketplace and social media influencers, it’s the person who sells the products and builds your brand.

The culture of the business is developed among its people

The personnel of a business are the developers of the business culture, which is vital for true sustainability and success. The essence of a positive business or organizational culture is the authenticity of employees and the liveliness of the team of employees. Without the human touch, there can be no authenticity and, as an extension, no authentic business culture or identity. Furthermore, the closer together the human workforce is able to work, i.e., no more workplace silos, the better this culture will permeate throughout the business, creating strength in unity of thought and internal brand clarity.

The argument herein is that no matter how far technology goes and no matter how capable machines become at performing jobs that humans can do, the aim should always be to use technology and machinery to assist human endeavor rather than to replace it. The people involved in a business are still its most significant resource and should be treated as such.

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