The National Science Foundation Backs ARC’s Flagship Law Enforcement Solution

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Funds Pilot Evaluations and Commercialization of Armaments Research Company, Inc.’s (ARC’s) New Law Enforcement Product in 2022

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The NSF has awarded ARC a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase IIB investment to accelerate the “ARC Ground-Truth” (ARC-GT) product’s path to market. This funding represents NSF’s and ARC’s shared dedication to enhancing the organizational excellence of law enforcement agencies across the nation by providing them with firearm activity metrics and incident reporting that promotes transparency and public safety.

Weapons activity data is manually intensive and challenging for officers to objectively collect. However, as ARC-GT is implemented, data related to escalations in force—i.e., how often officers draw, point, and/or discharge their weapons—will be automatically captured at the edge and made accessible via ARC’s customizable Firearm Activity Incident Report (FAIR). ARC’s embedded sensor is fueled by machine learning-based algorithms, transforming weapons into information nodes. This solution empowers agencies to meet existing state and federal policy that requires escalation-of-force events to be accurately reported.

“The NSF seeks out leap-ahead technology with potential for broader societal impact; needless to say, their endorsement of our product and team is both humbling and inspiring. Moreover, agencies are as eager as we are to begin piloting this solution and unlocking its novel organizational insights. It’s an exciting and necessary first step toward a thoughtfully scaled rollout,” said Michael Canty, ARC’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). “Our vision is that the information captured at scale will act as a mechanism to align stakeholders including police leadership, community officials, and legislators around data-driven policy decisions.”

ARC technical solutions and case studies are available for individual demonstration. Interested parties are invited to visit and contact for more information.

About Armaments Research Company, Inc.: Founded in 2016, ARC is a privately-owned, top-secret-cleared, Washington D.C.-based technology firm, led in tandem by innovative technology experts and combat-tested military veterans. ARC’s original solutions were developed under DARPA and National Science Foundation sponsorship, leveraging state-of-the-art internet-of-things (IoT) and machine learning (ML) technologies to transform weapons into information nodes or ‘sensors’ equipping security personnel with advanced decision support.


Jeff Denton, Head of Operations and Administration

Armaments Research Company, Inc.


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