CFO Taskforce Introduced Principles on SDG Integrated Investments and Finance

ISTANBUL–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The UN Global Compact’s initiative CFO Taskforce, which Turkcell (NYSE:TKC) (BIST:TCELL) takes part as one of the founding members, introduced the CFO Principles On Integrated SDG Investments and Finance to guide financial leaders for long-term sustainable value creation during UN’s General Assembly on September 21st.

The UN Global Compact CFO Taskforce launched the first integrated, UN-backed principles for integrated SDG Finance and Investment. The principles seek to guide companies in aligning their sustainability commitments with credible corporate finance strategies to create real-world impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Members of the UN Global Compact’s CFO Taskforce pinpointed four key areas that are relatively underserved but critical for SDG-aligned investments: SDG impact and measurement, integrated SDG strategies and investments, integrated corporate SDG Finance and integrated SDG communication and reporting. The goal is to work with the investment value chain, including investors, banks, development finance institutions, credit ratings agencies and sustainability assessment firms to create a broad, liquid and efficient market for SDG investments and capital flows.

“We are proud to represent Turkey as one of the founding members of the CFO Taskforce initiative. Thanks to Turkcell’s vision, innovative sustainability practices that contribute to United Nations 2030 agenda for sustainable development and realizing many firsts in the sustainable finance field, we have become one of the founding members. Our aim for further contribution is to convene global financial leaders around CFO Taskforce’s principles and communicate our experiences to ensure contribution to the SDGs,” said Dr. Osman Yilmaz, Turkcell CFO.

Emphasizing that Turkcell commenced incorporating its sustainability approach to financing activities, “‘Sustainability Linked Loan’ we have used in 2019 and ‘Green Loan’ we procured this year ensure the contribution of our business and investments’ contribution to the SDGs. We highly regard the importance of sustainability in financing activities and keep increasing its part with new transactions,” said Yilmaz. “Also Turkcell, disclosing its sustainable management approach, is also listed on BIST (Istanbul Stock Exchange) Sustainability Index since its foundation. We will continue to pursue new operations in the future aligned with the principles we have introduced as CFO Taskforce.”


Ismail Ozbayraktar

Turkcell Corporate Communications Director

Ali Karakaya

Turkcell Corporate Communications Manager

Bugra Kaya

Turkcell Corporate Communications Expert

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