Meet Scott Porter: A Luxury Real Estate Associate Licensed Both in Florida and New York Who is Eager to Grow His Network and Results

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 20, 2020 / Scott Porter is a luxury real estate associate who is licensed in both Florida and New York. He grew up in The Hamptons, where some of the most expensive homes of the top one percent are located.

“My childhood was constantly back and forth between Miami and The Hamptons with a bit of Manhattan. Growing up, I realized that the most successful people spent their summers in my hometown, Westhampton Beach, and the winters where I currently reside, Miami Beach.” Scott shares.

From a young age, Scott knew he wanted to grow to a point where he could do what he wanted, when he wanted, and how he wanted. The only people he knew who were doing that were those people spending their summers in The Hamptons and their winters in Miami Beach.

“There is so much synergy between Westhampton Beach and Miami Beach that it was a no brainer for me to obtain both of my real estate licenses there before graduating college in Boca Raton, Florida.” Scott explains. “Today, that’s my business. I serve clients between two of the best places to live and work in the entire country, the Hamptons and Miami.”

Scott was motivated to get into this industry since he was young. His entire family is in the real estate industry, from commercial to residential to financing. Besides, Scott wanted to achieve financial freedom and have the lifestyle to be able to live like his own boss.

“When I was growing up, my father owned and operated three brokerages in the Hamptons and my mother worked alongside him. Further up my family tree, my great-grandfather, Larry Wein, was a real estate investor in Manhattan and Miami who was able to purchase The Empire State Building with his partner through one of the first syndications in real estate” Scott says.

When Scott got to work he found some challenges. First, the market in Miami is primarily Spanish-speaking, and so he had to start dedicating some of his time to learn the language. Second, he had to get exposure and be known in the market. Additionally, it did not help that he was not taken seriously for being young.

“Everyone today is a real estate agent. Everyone knows someone, etc, etc.” Scott adds. “I have thrived to show my clients between Miami and New York that I am different, dedicated, and the person you want to either sell or help you purchase a first, second or third home. I was lucky to work alongside Tal and Oren Alexander in my first few years, which exposed me to the one percent of the one percent and how they are able to do transactions that are breaking global records.”

Another thing Scott learned is that mindset is everything. This is why he believes it is important to surround yourself with people that are smarter and more successful than you. Scott believes that if you treat others the way you want to be treated, you will get that back to you tenfold.

“One of my first clients was this huge network marketing guru that I was introduced to by one of my best friends in college. This customer really showed me what success was at a young age. I’ll never forget going to his room at the Fountain Blue. Huge gold rolexes, diamond chains, seafood tower dinners, and more bottles at the club than I thought possible. I saw that this 25-year-old kid (just a few years older than me at the time) was able to pull it off and that really got me going.” Scott emphasizes. “Your network goes hand in hand with your business.”

With this in mind, Scott was able to get going with his business. His main fear was being broke or not being able to pay his bills. But instead, he now has a huge record. Over 10 million dollars in gross residential sales, over two million dollars in residential leases closed, and over 1.5 million dollars in commercial leases transacted.

“There is no such thing as an overnight success. But when you fight through it and believe in yourself great things can happen.” Scott advises. “I also attribute a lot of my first two years in business to the help my life coach gave me. You are going to have downs, and you are going to have ups. You need to understand that you are in control of your life. If you want to sleep in everyday and not go get it, then so be it. But when you work in the industry that I do, where it is commission based, meaning I only make money when I close a deal you have to feel that fire on the inside. Or else you will go crazy.”

Scott decided to go back to school now that he is 26 years old, after seeing the big picture, and motivated by his aunt and uncle who have influenced him a lot. His next projects include finishing his masters degree in business at the University of Miami.

“If it wasn’t for my aunt and uncle I probably wouldn’t be where I am at this very moment.” Scott shares.

Find out more about Scott and his real estate networks here.


Paula Henderson

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