Know Someone Starting a Business? Here’s How You Can Help

By Dennis McKonkie

Do you have a friend or family member who is in the process of starting their own business? Launching a business is simultaneously fun and frightening. Along with the excitement of becoming their own boss and creating something that they’re passionate about, your friend or family member may also be experiencing uncertainty and doubt. They’re going to need your help.

“What can I possibly do?” you might be wondering. You don’t have to have any business experience yourself to support your friend or family member in their entrepreneurial endeavors. There are plenty of ways to offer support.

Promote the Business on Social Media

Your friend or family member will likely make at least one social media page for their new business. Instead of simply hitting the “like” button on the pages, promote them.

Social media has exploded in recent years, and just about everyone has a presence on at least one platform. Share the business on your page so that your friends and followers can see it. Share updates, events, and special offers. These small acts help to increase awareness of the business and increases the chances that it reaches its target market.

Offer Your Time

As a new business owner, your friend or family member likely doesn’t have a lot of time to get things done. There’s a lot to do and only so many hours in a day.

Offer your time and skills. Help put together marketing materials, create email newsletters, build their website, or get their social media pages up and running. You could also offer registered agent services, help with budgeting, or simply offer to help pick up equipment. Tap into your network and help your friend or family member make important connections. Donating your time and expertise can help to alleviate a substantial amount of stress.  

Provide a Review

These days, most people research a business before they decide to purchase a product or service. Reviews can make or break the decision to buy. In the early days of business, your friend or family member likely won’t have much feedback. Too few reviews can drive potential customers away. Leave reviews for the business on Google, social media, and other review sites. Your reviews can help to encourage others to make a purchase as well.

Make a Financial Contribution

Asking those you know for money can be difficult. Your friend or family member may need financial assistance but is too scared to ask. If you can, offer a financial contribution.

This doesn’t mean that you have to fund the entire operation. You can help to set up a crowdfunding campaign, but your friend or family member might not see the money if the goal isn’t reached. Instead, find out what things are needed for the business. Offer to buy a desk, lamps, domain access, or a necessary piece of equipment. Even simply offering to deliver some coffee can be incredibly helpful. These are much more personal ways to ensure that your friend or family member is getting exactly what they need to run their business. As a bonus, they’ll think of you every time they see or use what you purchased.

Just Be There

Sometimes, the only thing that your friend or family member is some emotional support. Starting a business can be stressful. They may just simply need someone to talk to. Let your friend know that you can be a shoulder to lean on when things get tough. You don’t have to offer any advice. Just listening may be the best thing that you can do for them. After getting all of their frustrations, fears, and worries out, your friend or family member is likely to feel better. After all, they know they’re not going through starting their business alone. You’re there with them, too.

Your friend or family member might not ask for help, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need it. Be proactive and offer what you can. By offering your help, you’re doing more than just supporting them. You’re helping your friend or family member make their dreams come true.

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