Nicola Smith Jackson: A Mentor Who Is Changing Lives Even In this Down Economy

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / MAY 21, 2020 / Everybody knows that there are paths to money and success, such as becoming an entrepreneur and building a business. The problem is that building a business is a complex challenge that requires grit and passion. Many people have no idea where to even start. Without prior knowledge, there’s no easy way to turn your life around financially with the snap of your fingers. Luckily, there are people like Nicola Smith Jackson to help along the way.

She operates a business that educates and provides solutions that helps people to increase their financial literacy, which reduces fear and builds positive financial habits. She also provides solutions to help increase their credit score and reduce debt so they can stop living paycheck to paycheck. In Nicola’s own words, she “helps ordinary people become extraordinary entrepreneurs through home-based business while helping them create a wealth and leadership mindset”. Sounds like a great place to start if you’re looking to get on your feet.Before working from home, Nicola was frustrated with her brick and mortar business working 12 to 14 hours daily. These extended hours left her very little time or energy for her family and personal life. This drove her to seek other options in the business world where she could earn more income with more time-freedom.

After learning that 56% of US businesses were home-based, she discovered network marketing,a $167 Billion industry which gave her flexibility with her schedule while gaining financial freedom from home. Nicola found a way to become successful without a degree or “being an heir to an estate”. She found herself providing a lifestyle for herself that led her to the top 1% of her industry earning multiple 7-figures.

Now, she’s using her 26 years of entrepreneurial knowledge and experience to fuel the success of others who are seeking to start or make money from a home-based business. Nicola teaches that “success is a system that requires sacrifice, hard work and dedication, but it is fulfilling to those who commit”.

So far, Nicola has built a 9-figure business helping over 100 people become 6 figures and 7 figure earners. She has taken people from struggling and scraping by to absolute success through systems, training and mentoring. Nicola urges her audience to not procrastinate and get started. “Often people wait for what they believe is a perfect moment however, there is never going to be a perfect moment to follow your dreams of doing bigger and better.” There is no better time than now.

You can find Nicola on Instagram here:

Visit Nicola’s website here:

Media contact information:
Nicola Smith Jackson
Company: Nicola Smith Jackson
Company Website:

SOURCE: Lost Boy Entertainment

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