Strapi Announces General Availability of Popular Open Source Content Management System, Adds Enterprise Support

After 24 months of rapid open source community adoption and collaboration, leading open source headless content management system ready for production enterprise applications

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#cmsStrapi, the company spearheading the development of the most popular open-source headless content management system (CMS), today announced the general availability of its Community Edition after 24 months of rapid iteration. The company also announced the availability of paid support for enterprises deploying Strapi in production and disclosed plans for an Enterprise Edition, which is currently in private beta testing with select companies.

The Strapi CMS is completely customizable using application programming interfaces (APIs) so that content from databases and files can be accessed for display on websites, smartphones, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Strapi works with all the JAMstack static site generators and front-end frameworks (like Gatsby.js, Next.js, Nuxt.js, Angular, React, Vue.js), provides support for both SQL and NoSQL databases and can be easily deployed anywhere: on-premises, in a PaaS (Platform as a Service) or any public cloud. The flexibility and extensibility of the Strapi CMS combined with the simplicity of creating powerful APIs in minutes give content creators and developers unprecedented easy access to content enabling them to build better digital experiences.

“After years of development on our community edition of Strapi, we’re delivering a version that is ready for large-scale enterprise adoption, along with expert support to assist with initial implementations,” said Pierre Burgy, co-founder, and CEO of Strapi. “This new release also provides a solid foundation for the development of Strapi’s ecosystem to build even more plug-ins, integrations, and customizations.”

Delivery Hero is one of the leading global online food ordering and delivery marketplaces, with more than 22,000 employees across 35 countries in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa (MENA), Latin America and Asia-Pacific. The company offers its partners a B2B Portal — a mobile-first, progressive web app with self-service capabilities, real-time and statistical data. Nearly 100,000 partners use the product in an average month, in more than 25 languages.

“When we wanted to provide a partner training center, where Delivery Hero’s local teams could manage the content (text, videos, and attachments) by themselves, we turned to Strapi,” said Niko Nurmentaus, senior product manager at Delivery Hero. “Our requirements were covered by Strapi with only minor internal developments and we were able to train local teams to use the admin in only 30 minutes. The return on investment has already paid off.”

Helping to further drive adoption will be an initial group of worldwide partners that deliver services with the Strapi CMS, which include AE Studio (USA), Capfi (France), Freshcells (Germany), Simform (USA) and SovTech (UK, South Africa and Kenya).

Traditional CMS, like WordPress, that were introduced 20 years ago, have a monolithic legacy architecture that is difficult to build, often slow and vulnerable to hackers. As a headless CMS, Strapi utilizes APIs to easily integrate into a variety of front-end frameworks, giving developers the freedom to choose their favorite tools, while reducing hosting and development costs.

Strapi is the most popular open-source headless CMS with 1 million downloads on the Node JavaScript platform (NPM), more than 25,000 stars on GitHub and more than 400 contributors. In addition, there are currently more than 11,700 commits and more than 300 community plug-ins published on NPM.

Strapi Community Edition includes:

  • Content-Type Builder: Strapi provides a flexible and complete data structure allowing users to easily create many different field types (Text, Boolean, Number, JSON, Media, UID, etc.) either single types for pages with a unique structure to ensure global settings consistency or collection types for entities that are meant to be repeated many times over. It’s also possible to create repeatable components to easily reuse multiple fields bundled together.
  • Content Management: Empowers content editors with a rich markdown editor, a customizable layout and built-in filtering capabilities.
  • Customizable API: REST or GraphQL API endpoints can easily be customized directly from the code editor. Based on Apollo, the Strapi GraphQL plug-in offers full compatibility with other tools in the GraphQL ecosystem.
  • JWT authentication: Secure and authorize access to API endpoints with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or providers.
  • Dynamic Zones: Makes it possible to build dynamic entries with complex data structures. It’s often very helpful to create sections such as sliders and quotes or data structures such as meta fields so that those can be reused whenever needed.
  • Webhooks: A simple way for different applications to communicate and get notified when a new event happens. With headless CMS, webhooks are very useful to build the front-end upon modification in the administration panel.
  • File Storage and Media Library: An easy way to upload, manage and edit a variety of media assets including images, videos, audio files, PDFs, or GIFs so that they can be uploaded once and reused many times.
  • Plug-ins Providers: Projects using Strapi can easily be customized and extended by installing email, upload or search providers or adding community plug-ins for sitemap, import, etc.

To learn more about this announcement, go to

About Strapi

Strapi is the most popular open-source Headless CMS. Strapi gives developers the freedom to use their favorite tools and frameworks while helping editors easily manage their content and distribute it anywhere. The company has offices in Paris and San Francisco. To learn more, visit


Editorial Contact
Joe Eckert for Strapi

Eckert Communications

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