While Intel AR Live Broadcast Entering Sports Field, WIMI’s 5G + AI Focuses On 5 Scenarios of Holographic Cloud Services

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / May 12, 2020 / With the success of products such as Oculus Rift and Sony’s Playstation Virtual Reality, vendors of VR and AR systems no longer need to hype the technology and are trying to make them more practical.

Virtual reality has been an inevitable development for a long time. Now that we have successfully commercialized VR, it seems to have gone out of fashion. This says more about consumer psychology than technology.

These differences have become important because they map well into the application assembly. So far, VR/AR has proved to be most suitable for entertainment purposes, such as video games and virtual travel. At the same time, augmented reality has proven useful for industrial and professional applications, such as providing interactive guidance in manufacturing, providing reference in system repair, and assisting in medical training and medical practice.


Full immersion — everything in the view is computer-generated (or virtual); Simply put, everything you see when you put on a VR headset (note: you can’t see the real world) is computer-generated, it’s all virtual. The typical device is a storm mirror.


Partial immersion – most of what you see is the real world; Virtual objects are overwritten or otherwise inserted. Augmented reality is a kind of information the real world and virtual world information “seamless” integration of new technology, it had a certain time in the real world space range difficult to experience the entity information (visual information, sound, taste, touch, etc.), by the science and technology such as computer, simulation and then overlay, the virtual information applied to the real world, was perceived by the human senses, sensory experience so as to be beyond the reality. Real environments and virtual objects are superimposed into the same frame or space in real time.

Holographic technology

The first step of holographic technology is to record the light wave information of the object by using the interference principle, that is, the shooting process: the photographed object forms a diffuse object beam under laser irradiation; The other part of the laser beam is used as a reference beam to shoot onto the holographic plate, and it overlaps with the object beam to generate interference, converting the phase and amplitude of each point on the object light wave into the intensity varying in space, so as to record all the information of the object light wave by using the contrast and interval between the interference fringes. The plate recording the interference fringes becomes a hologram, or hologram, after processing procedures such as development and fixing. The second step is to use the diffraction principle to reproduce the object light wave information, which is the imaging process: the hologram is like a complex grating, in the coherent laser irradiation, a linear record of sinusoidal hologram diffraction light wave can generally give two images, namely the original image (also known as the initial image) and conjugate image. The reproduced image has a strong sense of stereoscopic effect and a real visual effect. Each part of the hologram records the light information of each point on the object, so in principle, each part of the hologram can reproduce the entire image of the original object. Through multiple exposures, multiple different images can also be recorded on the same plate, and can be displayed separately without interference.

The market for VR and AR devices is expected to grow to $18.8 billion by the end of this year, according to Statista. These include headphones and glasses, but also handheld devices, wearable devices and body cameras.

Research and marketing have a broader view of AR and VR. It takes into account technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, edge computing and robotics. Progress in these areas will pave the way for VR and AR to be used in many different areas such as media, gaming, telepresence, retail, healthcare and education, according to Statista.

There may be more applications in the industrial sector, but in terms of revenue, the market will still be dominated by consumer products such as Facebook’s Oculus Rift and Quest, and SONY’s Playstation Virtual Reality. Microsoft and Intel have been investing heavily in AR and VR but have yet to commercialise their technology.

Intel is pushing into sports

Intel has been working on a technology that would capture live events and then replay them in a way that viewers could watch from any Angle. The true expression of opinion is almost always sporting events, and years later they are still shocking. Intel hopes to drive experiential change in traditional industries such as healthcare, industrial, automotive, and sports through advances in core technologies. These verticals have one thing in common: they are smart, connected, and digital, which will lead to a huge revolution in experience. Among them, Sports is Intel’s focus area, and in September last year, Intel even formed a new Intel Sports Group to integrate Intel’s investment in Sports verticals.

In the field of sports, two innovations related to virtual reality, Intel 360-degree Replay technology (FreeD technology from Replay Technologies) and Intel True VR virtual reality live technology (from VOKE), acquired through mergers and acquisitions, are key. In partnership with the international Olympic committee (ioc), True VR will be able to broadcast the winter Olympics live for the first time in history, while Intel’s 360-degree playback technology can be used for traditional TV broadcasts or live displays on a large screen. Prior to this, these technologies have been used in Spain’s first division league, the U.S. men’s professional basketball league, the major league football, major league baseball, the U.S. college basketball championship, the international cricket council championship game and other well-known sports broadcast services.

At CES, Intel executives said they would invest heavily in research and development to commercialize the technology cheaply and efficiently across two to three generations of microprocessors.

Five scenarios for WIMI services

WIMI focuses on computer vision holographic cloud services. According to introducing, WIMI cover from the holographic AI computer vision synthesis, holographic visual presentation, holographic interactive software development, holographic AR online and offline advertising, holographic ARSDK pay, 5 g holographic communication software development, holographic development of face recognition, holographic AR technology such as holographic AI development in face of multiple links, holographic cloud is a comprehensive technology solutions provider. Its commercial application scene is mainly concentrated in the home entertainment, light field cinema, performance system, commercial release system and advertising display system and other five professional fields. WIMI has been a holographic AI cloud mobile software developer, service provider and operator, and has become one of the leading integrated platforms in the field of holographic AI in China.

The core of WIMI’s business is holographic AR technology, which is used in software engineering, content production, cloud and big data to provide customers with AR based holographic services and products. Products mainly include holographic AR advertising services and holographic AR entertainment products. In 20119q1, about 80.3% of revenue came from holographic AR advertising services and 19.7% from holographic AR entertainment products.

Compared with its domestic counterparts, WIMI has built a comprehensive library of holographic AR content in formats ranging from 3D models to holographic short videos. According to Frost&Sullivan data, WIMI has established a comprehensive and diversified holographic AR content library among all holographic AR solution providers in China. In terms of revenue, number of customers, holographic AR content, holographic AR patents and software Copyrights in 2018, WIMI is a leader in China’s holographic AR industry. In the whole of 2018, WIMI owned about 4,654 AR holographic content, 106 software Copyrights and 219 technology patents. WIMI is committed to using holography to meet the entertainment and business needs of customers and end users.

Based on imaging detection and recognition technology, template matching and detection technology, video processing and recognition technology, holographic 3D layer replacement technology in imaging recognition and dynamic fusion processing technology in imaging tracking, WIMI embedded holographic AR advertising into online video. It is hoped that these technologies will be used in future strategic blueprints of the company, such as the development and application of holographic 3D facial recognition technology and holographic facial change technology.

Holographic cloud business will combine with the depth, collaboration of high rate and low latency of 5G. The remote communication and data transmission, from terminal to business server system transmission delay will average about 6 ms, well below the 4G network transmission delay. That will ensure the holographic AR in the remote communication and data transmission without caton, low latency, and terminal collaboration in more, in the context of increasing interaction richness and diversity. At the same time, it will make the collaboration of end + cloud more efficient, enhance mobile broadband (eMBB) and the Internet of things (IoT) application and bring rapid growth to WIMI’s holographic 5G+AI technology.

5G and AR are a match made in heaven

5G can not only make AR scene experience more fluent and real. Besides, 5G’s network slicing and edge computing can support the model application of VR in many scenarios. More importantly, the cost is lower than 4G, which brings great convenience to operators.

5G can also make the Internet speed of smart phones realize high-speed transmission, especially when it comes to watching some AR videos that need a lot of data on mobile phones. In terms of 4G Internet speed, it is difficult to open it without watching it. But 5G can solve the problem of AR.

The industrial rhythm of 5G is highly matched with that of AR. With the commercial deployment of 5G and the increasingly mature VR industry ecology, AR is likely to become the third screen besides smart phones and TVS. Compared with mobile phones and TVS, AR has a broader vision and a more real feeling. With the acceleration of the commercialization of 5G and the continuous progress of chip, display technology, algorithm and other technologies, the AR industry will usher in a new round of explosion. Major opportunities for the development of AR equipment, AR holographic technology and other related industrial chains have also arrived.

Media Contact

Name: Tim Wong

Tele: +86 10 89913328

SOURCE: WIMI Hologram Cloud Inc.

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