ZTE And WIMI’s Launching of 5G Holographic Cloud Interview with The Same Screen Makes Black Technology Into Reality

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / May 20, 2020 / How 5G might actually change people’s lives? What 5G will bring to the world is not just faster Internet speeds, but smarter lives. 5G holographic projection calling technology may be possible with the support of high Internet speeds.

According to reports, this year’s two sessions will soon be held, xinhua news agency once again expanded the recruitment, launched the “5G + holographic different places with the same screen interview”, the NPC deputies have not arrived in Beijing, “the same screen” has been interviewed by xinhua news agency reporters.

According to the video released by Xinhua news agency, the picture of the same screen in different places is quite realistic, and the interaction process does not feel the delay, and the movements and expressions are quite smooth and natural. “It’s a strange, magical feeling.” Cheng Ju, deputy to the National People’s Congress and party branch secretary of Dazhi Village, Chongyang County, Hubei province, said. During the interview in Wuhan, she shook hands with Cheng Gong, a reporter from the Xinhua news agency in Beijing.

According to the content released by xinhua news agency, 5G + 4K video terminals and holographic film display terminals are all equipped with equipment provided by ZTE. It is worth mentioning that the 5G mobile phone reported in the NPC and CPPCC last year also adopted the ZTE tianji Axon 10 Pro 5G developed by ZTE, which is the first 5G mobile phone to be listed in China.

ZTE people about C114, according to the company for the Xinhua News Agency construction of the “5G holographic interactive interview system”, through dynamic reality three-dimensional reconstruction, synthesize speech, virtual imaging into unified carrier, across time and space limit, through the advanced terminal, according to the recording, the reuse of ultra-high speed 5G network transmission, the Beijing headquarters studios and other on-site interview studio seamless connection, finally realizes the realistic effect of face to face interview.

It is believed that this novel interview method will not only be of interest to the industry and the media, but also surprise the general public, who will get to know 5G “black technology” from a more diversified perspective, not only the Internet speed. From last year’s 5G live broadcast to this year’s 5G+ holographic on-screen interview in different places, with the maturity of 5G technology and large-scale commercial use, the black technology covering the two sessions is also being upgraded. Through the “warm-up” of the two sessions, 5G will be more widely used in the economy and society.

It is believed that after the convening of the two sessions, the science and technology circle will blow this wave of black technology boom.

Holography is a technique to record and reproduce the real three-dimensional image of an object using the principles of interference and diffraction. The first step is to use the interference principle to record the object’s light wave information, which is the shooting process: the subject object forms a diffuse object beam under laser irradiation; The other part of the laser beam is used as a reference beam to shoot onto the holographic plate, and it overlaps with the object beam to generate interference, converting the phase and amplitude of each point on the object light wave into the intensity varying in space, so as to record all the information of the object light wave by using the contrast and interval between the interference fringes. The plate recording the interference fringes becomes a hologram, or hologram, after processing procedures such as development and fixing. The second step is to use the diffraction principle to reproduce the object light wave information, which is the imaging process: the hologram is like a complex grating, in the coherent laser irradiation, a linear record of sinusoidal hologram diffraction light wave can generally give two images, namely the original image (also known as the initial image) and conjugate image. The reproduced image has a strong sense of stereoscopic effect and a real visual effect. Each part of the hologram records the light information of each point on the object, so in principle, each part of the hologram can reproduce the entire image of the original object. Through multiple exposures, multiple different images can also be recorded on the same plate, and can be displayed separately without interference.

Take the character as an example, holographic image can enable the audience to see three-dimensional virtual characters whose actions and expressions are no different from real people. Compared with VR, holographic character modeling is more realistic and supports multiple people to watch from multiple angles. Of course, it is also the most difficult to realize. The first industry to adopt holographic AR applications was entertainment. Japanese virtual idol miku miku was the first person in the world to hold a concert using holographic projection technology.

After the hatsune, holographic projection became one of the most common black technologies on stage. It can not only produce three-dimensional aerial illusion, but also make the illusion interact with the performers to complete the performance together and produce shocking performance effect. For example, in the 2015 Spring Festival gala, li yuchun performed “shu embroidery” with holographic projection technology.

Although the holographic technology appeared very early, the past holographic projection technology can be used to inject only the illusion of stars on the stage, and the application of holographic technology in life is very rare. In the past, holographic projection technology could only restore the image that was recorded, instead of allowing the two sides to communicate in real time, as in science fiction movies. To the average person, the technology is useless.

With the development of science and technology and the vigorous deployment of 5G, the holographic communication industry is about to break out, and “AR+AI” holography becomes the breakthrough point of holographic technology. Holographic video calls, previously seen in sci-fi films, could be fully implemented in the age of 5G.

Relying on the high speed characteristic of 5G network, holographic image communication can transmit 3D video signals with a large amount of data, which can present a more real world to users and make a qualitative leap in the interactivity. It will become a disruptive technology of Internet social networking. At present, samsung, Facebook and other technology giants have joined in the field of technology research and development, showing broad prospects for the application of technology, and the number of domestic enterprises engaged in the field of holographic projection has also increased significantly.

The release of 5G holographic video calls marks a breakthrough in 5G independent networking technology, and the development of 5G industry will be fully accelerated. Through dynamic 3d reconstruction of real people and 5G network transmission, it enables users to experience the real presence of “far away and close at hand”.

In 5G holographic video call, the communication between people is no longer limited to the two ends of the screen, but can truly realize three-dimensional real-time interaction. Using the AR holographic device, the two sides of the conversation are immediately in the same room. They can change their distance and Angle of view at will, see the gestures and body language of the other side, and even see the precise details of the other side’s skin.

The successful implementation of this underlying technical solution is WIMI, which focuses on light field acquisition, reconstruction, rendering and intelligent computing vision. China’s leading holographic AR application platform, weimai holography, has been listed in the U.S. according to statistics, domestic holographic projection companies have reached more than 1,000, and the market capacity has risen to 10 billion. It is reported that on May 6, 2020, heilongjiang mobile cooperated with WIMI subsidiary to help local media carry out cooperation with holographic virtual telecommunication service of media cloud platform, and the 5G + hyperspace-time holographic interview project was launched.

With the change of bandwidth conditions of 5G holographic communication network, 5G holographic application market will usher in an explosion. High-end applications such as holographic interactive entertainment, holographic conference and holographic press conference will gradually spread to holographic social communication, holographic communication, holographic navigation and holographic home applications. Based on holographic AI face recognition technology and holographic AI face face exchange technology as the core technologies, WIMI plans to support holographic cloud platform services and 5G communication holographic applications with a number of innovative systems.

WIMI constructs a real-time modeling system for multi-angle shooting: it carries out full-dimensional image scanning on the collected objects and synthesizes them into a three-dimensional model in real time. Six – degree matrix optical field system: the multi – light source comprehensive application, constructs the holographic virtual image imaging field. Binocular parallax intelligent enhancement system: dynamically track the object trajectory and adjust the light during the acquisition process to maintain the equilibrium value of binocular disparity. Multi-image dynamic fusion system: multi-dimensional image wide Angle acquisition technology in narrow space, applied to cloud vision miniaturization holographic warehouse. Holographic image high-speed processing algorithm: the image information processing speed, and ensure the rendering effect, processing rate of up to 10GB/ s. Stealth polyester optical imaging film: the key component of holographic imaging, so that the holographic image perfect imaging display. Holographic virtual figure painting sound reconstruction technology: the use of human bone dynamic capture, real-time image rendering, voice recognition technology, voice simulation technology to present virtual people. Holographic cloud platform: an interactive platform with data storage, image restoration and holographic social properties covering image collection and restoration in the whole country. Through the above system combination, weimei constructs a complete 5G holographic communication application platform to support various online terminal and personal device applications, and at the same time expands various mainstream 5G holographic applications such as holographic social communication, holographic family interaction, holographic star interaction, holographic online education and holographic online conference.

VR/AR is the product of the integration of the new generation of information technology. In the past, due to the factors of bandwidth and delay, VR/AR products could result in insufficient rendering capacity, weak interactive experience and poor terminal mobility, etc., which has been the biggest short board to restrain the development of the industry. High quality VR/AR business very high demand for bandwidth, delay, such as for VR, to achieve very good user experience, the bandwidth of the need to reach more than 1000 MBPS, delay to reach the level of less than 2 ms, and to achieve a good user experience for AR also need 200 MBPS bandwidth above and below the 5 ms delay, there is no way to achieve this in the age of 4 g, 5G is the only thing can meet such high transmission capacity.

After the landing of 5G, the application of the first scenario will accelerate the development of VR/AR, and the growth rate of the Chinese market will be higher than that of the world. Therefore, with the blessing of 5G, the short board of communication transmission of VR/AR and other immersive game scenes will be made up, and it is expected that the commercialization of VR/AR for immersive games will be accelerated. According to the research of China academy of information and communications, the global VR industry scale is close to 100 billion yuan, and the annual compound growth rate from 2017 to 2022 is expected to exceed 70%. According to Greenlight, the global VR industry scale will exceed 200 billion yuan in 2020, including 160 billion yuan in VR market and 45 billion yuan in AR market. In addition, for the Chinese market, according to IDC’s latest guidance on global AR and virtual reality spending, the AR/VR market in China will reach us $65.21 billion by 2023, a significant increase from the forecast of us $6.53 billion in 2019. Meanwhile, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2018 to 2023 will reach 84.6%, higher than the 78.3% growth rate of the global market.

From the perspectives of smart production, smart city, smart people’s livelihood and digital life, “5G+ industrial ecology” brings more shocking experiences to human beings by means of professional communication equipment, high-tech cutting-edge equipment, interactive equipment and multimedia.

Commercial licenses have been issued, and 5G large-scale commercial use is not far away. At present, the whole world is vigorously promoting the construction of 5G to seize the first opportunity. There will definitely be more sas development in the future, and it remains to be seen how far holographic communications will evolve.

Media Contact

Company: WIMI
Name: Tim Wong
Tele: +86 10 89913328
Email: bjoverseasnews@gmail.com


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