Top Industry Leader Jose Gordo joins Beyond

PANAMA CITY, PANAMA / ACCESSWIRE / July 7, 2020 / Beyond is a new brand that is powerfully bursting onto the market with two different sales divisions: one focused on financial and digital products and another focused on health and wellness consumables.

One of the top names who are betting on this brand since its inception is the recognized industry leader Jose Gordo, 44, who we can already be considered a veteran of sales. But this Spanish leader is also widely popular among networkers in his role as a coach, which he had fully embraced over the past year, and especially as an author. Gordo’s books, three of which have been published to date, are about success in the industry, the necessary mindset and the strategies to achieve it. The latest title “From a Tragic Life to a Magical Life” has become one of the essential guides in the training of many emerging leaders.

About his commitment to Beyond, Jose says: “For some time now, I have been away from the network marketing activity. I haven’t really been back to the industry completely until now, and this is because this company has a very particular vision: it diversifies its products based on different needs, which also gives the opportunity to its distributors to choose what works best for them and their interests. But above all, it is because of the innovation, as well as the compensation plan that can be really interesting for my team. And because the company puts in place different tools for monitoring training and growth. They have a very complete plan that made me become passionate about the industry again.”

Jose is insistent on that concept of passion for the industry, even when he is a multi-faceted professional who doesn’t need to rely on a compensation plan. That passion, he says, was in him even before he discovered the industry existed.

“I started working at a very young age, from the time I was 14, because I knew that if I wanted something I had to work hard for it. Since then, I think, I’ve always had something inside, I wouldn’t know what to call it. Entrepreneurial spirit? I have always looked for a vocation, an occupation that would not only give me the freedom to do and have what I wanted, to travel and much more, but also give me the feeling of fulfilment.”

Jose discovered network marketing at the age of 34, when he already had various work experiences that included sales in the traditional sector. But looking at his CV, at first glance, you can sense an exciting life story, even before network marketing.

“In my desire to find something that would make me feel fulfilled, I even joined the army and spent several years in the military service. I can’t say that I regret it in the least. It was an experience that left me with the most important teachings of my life, which have been a key to my success years later. But it is true that even being in the military, I didn’t feel fulfilled. Eventually, I gave up and looked for other ways. And that path eventually led me to network marketing.

Despite these lessons, Jose also admits that his beginnings were not as successful as he would have hoped at the outset: slow progress and achievements that didn’t taste as good as he thought they would. For Jose, this was the moment when he discovered what was missing.

“For many leaders, personal development is, let’s say, the key that opens the door to success. You can’t get to the other side, unless you work on yourself. For me, achieving a number of goals became a little easier once I started applying some principles, such as discipline, which I had learned before. But personal development was a necessary factor in taking the next step. I think that’s when I really fell in love with the industry and could see that it was more than an occupation that could give you an income: I started to really understand network marketing, its culture, the belonging… But I also started to learn more about myself, my strengths and insecurities. I started to find what really made me happy. This was the turning point for me, when I really knew that this was where I fitted in.”

Jose Gordo leads massive teams in Europe, part of Africa and especially in Latin America, where he spends much of his time, connecting with the team and organizing training and conferences. Except for these last few months, when events of this type have been put on hold because of the current global pandemic. Nevertheless, Jose has been more active than ever working from his home.

“There’s nothing like an on-site event, nothing can compare to that. We pour all our energy into a particular moment and place, and something beautiful is created. That energy that we share during a conference with more than 100 people, for example, will accompany those 100 people, their families and their teams over the following few weeks and give them a unique boost to their plans. But if something like the current crisis were to happen, I think we’re lucky that it’s caught us with the tools to keep working, not to get isolated and to maintain communication. The teams needed more encouragement, more motivation and more strength than ever before, and I’ve tried to give them 200% of my support. Digital tools are a marvel and we really understand their importance only now.

Although Jose Gordo is once again a big presence in the industry and has taken over the FENTTIX identity, which was especially popular some 4 years ago, the truth is that he has been keeping a discreet profile for just over a year, and it is inevitable to ask about that decision.

“I’ve had a number of opportunity proposals since the beginning of 2019. Even back then, I had already stopped being active in my previous company as a promoter because I wasn’t happy. It would have been easy to take the leap, but the fact is that I was not mentally prepared for it. I was wondering how I saw my future, and the truth is that I was much more motivated by the work as a coach and leadership trainer than as a representative of an opportunity. So, that’s what I decided to do for a while and kept rejecting offers. I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m not going to spend hours of my time on something that only gives me money if it doesn’t give me anything else. I work for passion. And if I don’t have that passion here, I look elsewhere… That’s why I dedicated myself to the development and my books.”

That passion, Jose says, came back when he started working with Beyond. As for FENTTIX and his plans for the future, Jose explains:

“It has never been tied to a brand, never going to. FENTTIX was, is and will be a group of entrepreneurs, dreamers and people who believe in leadership and the values of teamwork and collaboration. Something that will always be above any corporate and commercial brand. We are people, a team and a family. I want to take this team to the top, to extend it to every continent, fill it with people who want to change their reality and that of the world around them.”

Jose is direct with his team members, acknowledging that he doesn’t like to sugar-coat his words. He says, this is what reaches people best, a message that reaches young and old and makes them take the right decisions for their own goals.

I ask Jose to tell me about his goals with Beyond and why people should choose this opportunity.

“What I want to achieve is to really impact people and their ability to fulfil their dreams. I believe Beyond has the product range to help me achieve at least 100 team members worldwide to earn their first million in the next 5 years. It can be much more, if, in addition to distribution, they use the financial growth packages that the company offers. I want to put the company on the top of the market for the next year and I want my team to be thriving, united and proud to be part of this industry. These are good goals to get up for every morning.”

To learn more about Jose follow him on instagram, click here.
Next Wave Marketing

SOURCE: Jose Gordo

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