American IRA Discusses How to Handle Self-Directed Coverdell Savings Accounts During a Crisis

ASHEVILLE, NC / ACCESSWIRE / August 12, 2020 / With so many people affected by financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult to say how investors can put extra money aside. However, there may be one necessary area in which investors might still want to put aside money: saving for long-term education. A Self-Directed Coverdell Savings Account is one vehicle through which investors can set aside that money, and according to a recent post at American IRA, there may be some ways investors can view this type of account during a crisis to better leverage this account.
For example, the post notes that the Self-Directed Coverdell Savings Account that contributions are not deductible. This means that after-tax dollars go into the Coverdell Savings Account. Typically, investing after-cash dollars means that investors have more options. When the investor needs to take distributions on the money within a Self-Directed Coverdell Savings Account, those distributions are “tax-free to the extent the amount of the distributions doesn’t exceed the beneficiary’s qualified education expenses,” according to the IRS website.
The Self-Directed Coverdell Savings Account, according to the post, may not be the first priority for investors who have to suddenly think about how to make up for a sudden loss in income. This is particularly true because the Self-Directed Coverdell Savings Account uses post-tax money for its contributions. However, the limits on these contributions are relatively low. Investors who are worried about inflation, for example, may be able to put aside money into one of these accounts and have more confidence that when the time comes, there will be money present in the account to handle a wide variety of education expenses, including room and board.
“People need to know all of the options available to them,” said Jim Hitt, CEO of American IRA. “The Self-Directed Coverdell Savings Account is one option. It’s a powerful option for long-term investors.”
For more information on Self-Directed Coverdell Savings Accounts, interested parties can visit the American IRA website at The site contains a dedicated page to such accounts at Additionally, media inquiries can be directed to 866-7500-IRA.
American IRA, LLC was established in 2004 by Jim Hitt, CEO in Asheville, NC.
The mission of American IRA is to provide the highest level of customer service in the self-directed retirement industry. Jim Hitt and his team have grown the company to over $400 million in assets under administration by educating the public that their Self-Directed IRA account can invest in a variety of assets such as real estate, private lending, limited liability companies, precious metals and much more.
As a Self-Directed IRA administrator, they are a neutral third party. They do not make any recommendations to any person or entity associated with investments of any type (including financial representatives, investment promoters or companies, or employees, agents or representatives associated with these firms). They are not responsible for and are not bound by any statements, representations, warranties or agreements made by any such person or entity and do not provide any recommendation on the quality profitability or reputability of any investment, individual or company. The term “they” refers to American IRA, located in Asheville and Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA.”
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