An Extremely Particular Hydrotherapy Business Thrives in the Pandemic in Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO / ACCESSWIRE / August 10, 2020 / Laura Hernandez studied journalism and economics, her personal experiences led her to run her own business: The True Colon Hydrotherapy Spa.

Colon cleansing is something uncomfortable for most people, it is not something we think about often. However, in this health pandemia, it has become the most important topic next to finances.

Laura Hernandez is the only professional in San Juan, Puerto that has the following certifications:

  • I-ACT Advanced and licensed by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy (NBCHT)
  • I-ACT (International Association Colon Hydrotherapy)
  • Trained in Cololavage technique for Colonoscopy Prep by GI Doctors in NY

She started in this industry as a patient given her own health problems that took her through this path. When she decided to become an entrepreneur and open her own business on the island working full-time, people kept telling her she was completely crazy. Nobody understood the real reasons or mission behind, until she opened up to the public and shared her personal story. It was then, when everybody understood, seeing her before and after results, it was a transformation as a result of colon hydrotherapy. Colon cleansing is reflected in how we see ourselves, how we feel and how we think. 90 % of serotonin (the hormone that regulates sleep and pleasure) start in the gut.

“To begin a business in Puerto Rico is not easy. From natural disasters to constant electricity and water problems, adding to a tense political environment and daily uncertainty,” Laura says.

How do we then achieve success in a business on the island doing something so particular? By educating. Laura confesses that the key reason for her success is to be self-aware so she educates around the importance of colon cleansing to achieve a healthy lifestyle. To educate through TV, radio and social media has given her the opportunity to position herself as a leader in the industry. She is the only specialist with the aforementioned certificates.

Laura also shares her secrets to achieve success in The True Colon Hydrotherapy Spa, which has also recently expanded to Florida. Her secrets center around mixing knowledge she has acquired, from journalism, publicity, marketing to economics. “There is no study that is useless,” says Laura emphasizing again on the importance of education and how absolutely everything you learn can serve when you become an entrepreneur. The key is to apply and use your knowledge and not leave it in theory.

90% of diseases start in the gut and are evitable. This message and statistics are important to emphasize every time we mention hydrotherapy, as it highlights the importance and urgency of these types of treatments.

How has this business been affected by the pandemia? Just temporarily when Puerto Rico shut down for three weeks, including her spa and business. When it reopened, people in Puerto Rico still couldn’t go to the gym, they had put on weight, and did not have many options to detox. This situation has led to an increase in demand for colon hydrotherapy seeking cleansing and change from within, instead of working on external appearances like most people do.

“In the work I have delivered for ten years, I have reaped what I sowed. People have finally awakened and given priority to what is really important: health”, Laura says.

Laura Hernandez on Instagram

Laura Hernandez on Facebook

Laura Hernandez on LinkedIn

Press and Publicist Contact Info:

Tony Delgado
Phone: 201-875-8684
Disrupt MagazineThe Voice of Latino Entrepreneurs

Karinna Berrospi
Disrupt Press Accelerator

SOURCE: Disrupt Magazine


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