How Joseph Song Runs 15 Cash Cow YouTube Channels

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 14, 2020 / Joseph Song is an entrepreneur who has defied all odds to get to the place where he is right now. Joseph is only 19 years old and has already accomplished more than he could have imagined with hard work creating his brand, learning all the knowledge possible about the industry, and the determination to persevere through any obstacles. He started to take his entrepreneurial journey seriously at the age of 16 in high school after finding videos on YouTube of teenagers his age making 6-7 figures online. After seeing this, Joseph knew he had the equal opportunity to do so and could not wait to get started.
Joseph grew up in a traditional Asian household where he thought the only path to success was to go to college, get a degree and become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. The intrigue of YouTube Automation and cash cow channels came in for Joseph Song when he realized that he did not have to take the traditional path set out for him. He had the ability to make a better life for himself without spending the next 6 years in school. Seeing other entrepreneurs’ success in the industry at such a young age opened Joseph’s mind to the possibilities and jump started his entrepreneurial journey.
Joseph Song started out by pursuing Shopify dropshipping as that was trending at the time and seemed most appealing to him. Long story short, he ended up paying some mentors in the industry to help him get started with his business which ended with great results. However, since he was starting his entrepreneurial journey by himself at such a young age, this caused his grades in school to suffer which led to major backlash from his parents. During this time in his life, Joseph Song was also filming, uploading, and editing YouTube videos revolving around Shopify topics. Once he realized there was an abundance of opportunities in different sectors of the industry, Joseph decided to focus more on YouTube because it is passive income and there is affiliate marketing, ads, course sales, and services.
One of the most important parts of being a successful entrepreneur is learning from other people’s mistakes and finding what you can do to separate yourself from the competition. Joseph Song noticed that the YouTube videos he was watching were pretty easy to make and replicate. He decided to hire freelancers to create and outsource the entire videos for him from a script, writer, voiceover actor, video editor, and thumbnail designer. Joseph started investing into some mentorship and completely revamped his strategies from hiring the content team to optimizing each and every video.
As Joseph continued to get results with these new strategies and saw more revenue coming in, he wanted to delegate and outsource content made for more channels to expand. He used the money he made from the first channel to expand to more channels. Today, Joseph Song is managing over 50 channels for himself and clients with over 100+ employees under his content team. The YouTube Automation business itself is unique where Joseph owns all of his channels but never creates a single video. He does so by outsourcing all the content to be made for him from Top 5s, Top 10s etc.
Joseph’s main role in the business now is to find video ideas, manage the team, and upload the videos. This quick journey to success at a young age would have never been possible without his ability to see gaps in the industry, mentorship, and perseverance through any obstacles that came his way. To learn more about Joseph Song and his YouTube Automation business, click here.
Kiley Almy
Next Wave Marketing
SOURCE: Joseph Song
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