INTERCORP FINANCIAL SERVICES INC.: IFS Confirmed to Remain Part of Lima Stock Exchange’s Good Corporate Governance Index for Third Consecutive Year

LIMA, PERU / ACCESSWIRE / August 19, 2020 / Intercorp Financial Services Inc. (“IFS” or the “Company”) (NYSE:IFS)(BVL:IFS) announced today that the Lima Stock Exchange (“BVL”) has confirmed that IFS will remain as a constituent of the Good Corporate Governance Index (Índice de Buen Gobierno Corporativo – S&P/BVL IBGC, or the “Index”) for a third consecutive year.
The Index recognizes companies with the best corporate governance standards in Peru, in accordance with a rigorous selection process run by the BVL, thereby including the Company within a select group of 9 out of 260 listed companies that comprise the Index for the 2020 – 2021 period.
IFS reaffirms its commitment to offer the best corporate governance standards and maintain transparent and consistent communications with its stakeholders.
About the Company:
Intercorp Financial Services, Inc. (“IFS”), is a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Panama, and has securities listed on the Lima Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. IFS is a leading provider of financial services in Peru. IFS’ main subsidiaries are Banco Internacional del Perú, S.A.A.-Interbank (“Interbank”), Interseguro Compañía de Seguros, S.A. (“Interseguro”) and Inteligo Group Corp. (“Inteligo”). Interbank is a full-service bank providing general banking services to retail and commercial customers. Interseguro is a leading insurance company, providing annuities, individual life insurance, disability insurance and survivor benefits, and mandatory traffic accident insurance. Inteligo is a fast-growing provider of wealth management services through Inteligo Bank Ltd. and Interfondos, as well as brokerage services through Inteligo SAB.
For more information, please visit, or contact us:
Mr. Ernesto Ferrero, Investor Relations Officer
Tel: (511) 219-2000 x. 29025
Intercorp Financial Services Inc.
Torre Interbank, Carlos Villaran 140
Lima 13, Peru
Mr. Alfredo Zurita, Investor Relations
Tel: (511) 219-2000 x. 29029
Mr. Jorge Orihuela, Investor Relations
Tel: (511) 219-2000 x. 29028
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