SEG Announces 2020 Interim Results Seizing Market Opportunities to Continue Improving Operating Results

SEG Announces 2020 Interim Results

Seizing Market Opportunities to Continue Improving Operating Results

HONG KONG, CHINA / ACCESSWIRE / August 24, 2020 / SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. (“SEG” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries collectively known as the “Group”) (stock code: 2386) today announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2020 (the “Reporting Period”).

In the rest half of 2020, confronted with this unprecedented difficult situation and the complicated and ever-changing domestic and international environment, the Company braved all the difficulties and actively carried out the “one hundred day campaign to address the tough challenges and to improve performance” initiative, focusing on epidemic prevention and control and on production and operation, emphasizing work resumption, strengthening project process control and improving the level of intensive management, achieving hard-won business performance. During the Reporting Period, the Group recognized a revenue of RMB23.797 billion, a period-on-period increase of 4.9%, and the profi­ts attributable to equity holders of the Company were RMB1.260 billion, with a period-on-period increase of 5.1%. After due consideration of the Company’s earnings, return to the Shareholders and the needs for future sustainable development, the Board recommended a 2020 interim dividend of RMB0.113 per Share, representing an increase of 4.6% on a year-on-year basis. Payout ratio reached 40%.

Seizing market opportunities and achieved significant results in market development. In the ­first half of 2020, the Group seized the opportunity of alleviated epidemic situation in China, closely followed the transition of the domestic petrochemical industry and grasped the market opportunities of steady advancement of the “seven major national petrochemical industry bases” and the “four world-class refining and petrochemical bases of Sinopec Group”. Meanwhile, thanks to long-term hard work in overseas markets such as in the Middle East, Russia and Central Asia, the Group achieved a breakthrough in overseas market. During the Reporting Period, the value of new contracts entered into by the Group was RMB36.638 billion, representing an increase of 10.3% on a period-on-period basis. Devoting itself to epidemic prevention and control and actively ful­filled its social responsibilities, the Group built the first meltblown fabric production line of Sinopec in only 12 days, and built the world’s largest meltblown fabric production base in Sinopec Yanshan Petrochemical Company and Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fiber Co., LTD. within 76 days.

Continuous enhancement of project management capability and guarantee successful implementation of the projects. To ensure projects were implemented efficiently, orderly and safely, the Group fully leveraged its overall advantages by overall planning and optimising resources, worked hard to control the cost of subcontracting and procurement, and the safety, quality, progress and cost of the projects were under fully control. As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Group’s backlog was RMB107.834 billion, representing an increase of 13.5% compared to that as at 31 December 2019, and was 2.06 times of the total revenue of RMB52.261 billion in 2019.

Steady progress in research and development and numerous fruitful results in technological innovation. The Group worked hard to successfully organise the collaboration of major technologies and the implementation of technological innovation projects, made full use of the distinctive advantages of the R&D center in the development of engineering technology and continuously strengthened the collaboration with well-known licensors in the world. The Group received a total of 20 scientific advancement awards in scientific innovation and engineering construction fields at the provincial and above level, among them, the project “Development and Application of Packaged Technologies for Ultra-low Sulfur Emission and Resource Utilization of Sulfi­de-bearing Waste Gas from Re­fining and Chemical Industry” won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2019.

Chairman of SEG, Mr. Yu Renming, said: “In the first half of 2020, the global economy suffered heavy losses from the pandemic and the plummeted oil price, the Petrochemical Industry is facing severe challenges. Confronted with these difficulties, we have been focusing on epidemicprevention and control and on business operation, and established work resumption orderly since the first quarter of the year. In the second quarter, we actively responded to Sinopec Group’s initiatives and carried out the “one hundred day campaign to address the tough challenges and to improve performance”, achieving hard-won business performance and growth during the first half of the year. For the second half of 2020, the prevention and control of domestic epidemic has becomethe new normal, economy will accelerate back to its normal track. The previously suppressed and stagnant demand of petroleum and petrochemical products is expected to be released rapidly. We will seize favorable market recovery opportunities, stick to the long-term perspective and enhance our capabilities. We will further carry out the campaign to improveperformance, take effective measures to enhance profi­tability,to continuously enhance our core competitiveness and promote the sustainabledevelopment of the Company, so as to deliver returns to shareholders, society and employees.”

Business Review and Highlights

Significant results in market development

During the Reporting Period, fully grasped the market opportunities and made full use of its overall advantages in Industry chain,service chain and technology chain, the Group vigorously expanded the market. During the Reporting Period, the value of newcontracts entered into by the Group was RMB36.638 billion, representing an increase of 10.3% on a period-on-period basis;out of which, the value of newly signed domestic contracts amounted to RMB30.094 billion, representing a decrease of 3.1%on a period-on-period basis, and the value of newly signed overseas contracts amounted to approximately RMB6.544 billion,representing an increase of 200.6% on a period-on-period basis.

During the Reporting Period, the Group continued to develop market in the PRC and strive to explore new business in new ­fieldsand new areas. The Group entered into new contracts for a number of large projects in the PRC, such as Zhenhai Refiningand Chemical Ethylene Expansion Project with a total contract value of approximately RMB10.565 billion; Sinopec Tianjin Liquefi­ed Natural Gas (LNG) Project Expansion Project (Phase II) ReceivingTerminal Project with a total contract value of approximately RMB3.183 billion.

During the Reporting Period, the Group continuously strengthened the cooperation with international engineering companies andstrengthened overseas outlets, improved the deployment in overseas markets. Thanks to the long-term hard work in key markets,the Group has made a breakthrough in overseas market. The major overseas projects newly signed include: Saudi Aramco CrudeOil Transportation Pump Station Upgrade Project with a total contract value of approximately USD386 million; Russian AmurAGCC Polyole­n Project with a total contract value of approximately USD256 million; and Hengyi Brunei PMB Project DesignContract with a total contract value of approximately USD47 million.

In addition to above projects, the Group followed up with several projects in oil re­fining, petrochemicals, new coal chemicals,environmental protection and energy saving ­fields, which are expected to enter into new contracts in the future.

Successful Implementation of Major Projects

  • The largest petrochemical industry corporation project cross – Strait:Fujian Gulei Refi­ning and Petrochemical Integration Projectentered into construction peak period, with anoverall progress exceeding 60%.
  • One of Sinopec Group’s “four world-class refining bases”: Zhongke Refi­ning and Chemical Integration Projectentered the fullscalestart-up phase.
  • Sinopec – Saudi Basic Industry Corporation Strategic Cooperation Project:SINOPEC SABIC Polycarbonate Project entered into construction peak period, with an overall progress ofabout 60%.
  • Building a world-class portside petrochemical base: Sinochem Quanzhou Ethylene Project was in the ­final stage, and the main units were at the mechanicalcompletion stage.
  • Committed to becoming the world’s top five refining and chemical production base: Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Ethylene Expansion Projectwas in the stage ofdetailed design and civil construction, with an overall progress of about 10%.
  • The Company’s boutique project implemented in Saudi: Saudi Arabia SABIC GAS Phase-9 Air Separation Project entered into construction peak period, with anoverall progress exceeding 80%.

Continuous enhancement of project management capability

During the Reporting Period, the Group established a key project work coordination group, to maintain close communication withthe project owners and tighten the coordination of key projects; the Group intensi­fied early planning, optimized managementprocess, and enhanced in-process quality control; focusing on efficiency and progress, the Group implemented the “triple warning”for progress deviation, revenue deviation and budget deviation, rectified the deviation in a timely manner, and strengthenedproject process management and closed-loop management to ensure smooth implementation of all projects; optimising thedesign work‑ow and professional division interface, the Group strengthened standardized design, modular design, and modularconstruction to improve design and construction efficiency; the Group carried out project management trainings and contractmanagement trainings, implementing the advanced management concepts and management processes of international projects.

During the Reporting Period, the Group further improved the subcontracting management system, strengthened the cultivation ofstrategic subcontractors, and dynamically evaluated the operational effectiveness of the QHSSE system of strategic subcontractors,optimized the allocation of subcontracting resources; the Group developed subcontracting resources and information sharingplatform, realised integrated management of subcontractor resource pool and subcontractor assessment, reduced subcontractingmanagement costs; the Group guaranteed the supply of materials for various projects, actively explored ways to improveprocurement efficiency and cost reduction, improved standard procedures, document templates and management regulations ofprocurement further improved procurement management for domestic and overseas projects.

Continuous promotion of innovation and technological advancement

During the Reporting Period, the Group has signed 158 new contracts for the scientifi­c research programs, covering new energysources, new materials, and energy saving and emission reduction technologies required for the development of petrochemicalmarket.

During the Reporting Period, the Group’s key R&D programs were steadily advanced. The project “Solid Superacid C5, C6Isomerization Technology Development and Industrial Test” has gone through the plant start-up stage and is now underadjustment, entering the calibration preparation stage; the project “Research and Demonstration of Packaged Technologies forSafe and Reliable Large-‑ux Plasma Treatment of VOCs” has been completed and is expected to be delivered in the near future;the project “Integration and Development of High Slag Content and Low Emission Heavy Oil Catalytic Cracking Technology”has gone through the start-up for some units; and other key research projects have been advanced as scheduled and are underoverall control.

During the Reporting Period, the Group completed 271 new patent applications, among which, 163 or 60.1% applications wereinvention patents applications. Besides, the Group completed 192 newly licensed patents, 66 of which were invention patents.

During the Reporting Period, the Group received a total of 20 scientific advancement awards in scientific innovation andengineering construction fields at the provincial and above level, among them, the project “Development and Application ofPackaged Technologies for Ultra-low Sulfur Emission and Resource Utilization of Sul­fide-bearing Waste Gas from Re­fining andChemical Industry” won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2019, 14 projects won theannual Sinopec Science and Technology Progress Award, and 3 projects won quality engineering awards at different levels.

The application of digital engineering has achieved initial success

During the Reporting Period, the Group vigorously promoted digital transformation and smart upgrade. According to the “data+ platform + application” model, the Group combed the “three-in-one” scenario of business ‑ow, phased management process‑ow and production tool ‑ow in the whole life cycle from project tracking to project operation, prepared the information and digitaldevelopment planning framework of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and comprehensively scheme the overall plan of the Group’sdigital transformation. During the Reporting Period, the Group focused on the integration of industry and finance, deepened ERPapplication, promoted comprehensive budget management, and established and optimized an operation management platform;paying special attention to digital delivery the Group developed in-depth application of digital factory production line through anengineering cloud APP; focusing on smart factory services, the Group deepened the application of engineering master data,explored the integrated application of equipment domains, and participated in the construction of petrochemical intelligent cloud.

Market and Business Outlook

Looking forward to the second half of 2020, the global economy is still facing great challenges. The “long tail effect” of theepidemic and the trend of “anti-globalization” have a profound impact on global development. Financial market is subject toaccumulated risks, and the uncertainty of international oil prices becomes prominent, resulting the market competition increasingly­fierce. However, China’s economy still has great potential and momentum, and the fundamentals of long-term improvement havenot changed. With continuous improvement of the epidemic situation, the demand recovery is expected to accelerate. The Groupwill stick to the long-term perspective, strive to ­find new chances amidst the crisis, create new leads in the changing situation, takeinitiatives in grasping the domestic and international market opportunities, and give full play to the advantages of collectivization,integration and scale to continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprises and promote the sustainabledevelopment of the Group.

In the future, the development of the energy industry will adjust the pace with improved quality and efficiency, and the patternof refining and chemical industry will constantly change. Projects of the “seven major national petrochemical industry bases”and Sinopec Group’s “four world-class refining and petrochemical bases” will continue to move forward. Investments fromprivate sector will remain active, and international energy giants such as Exxon Mobil, BASF and SABIC are poised to enter theChinese market. Focusing on the development orientation of “Whole Life Cycle Service Provider from Project Tracking to ProjectOperation”, the Group will strengthen its traditional advantageous businesses in oil re­ning and petrochemical industries andcontinue to establish overall solutions for industries of natural gas, new coal chemicals, environmental protection and energysaving, and build an innovation system with technological innovation as the core, focusing on key points, optimizing resources,implementing the policies in a classified and targeted manner, and jointly promoting the development of various businesssegments. Meanwhile, the Group will continue to closely track the market opportunities in countries and regions along the “Beltand Road” and continuously improve the competitiveness of overseas business and increase the anti-risk ability.

Summary of Financial Data and Indicators Prepared in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”)

Unit: RMB’000

As at 30
June 2020
    As at 31 December 2019     Changes from the end of 2019 (%)  
Total assets
    67,497,829       67,873,748       (0.6 )
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company
    27,549,243       27,265,976       1.0  
Net assets per share attributable to equity holders of the Company (RMB)
    6.22       6.16       1.0  

Unit: RMB’000

  For the six months ended 30 June        
  2020     2019     Changes over the same period of 2019 (%)  
    23,797,156       22,682,018       4.9  
Gross profit
    2,191,775       2,371,953       (7.6 )
Operating profit
    1,150,453       1,101,143       4.5  
Profit before taxation
    1,562,823       1,513,464       3.3  
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company
    1,260,191       1,198,685       5.1  
Basic earnings per share (RMB)
    0.28       0.27       5.1  
Net cash flow generated from operating activities
    (1,962,757 )     (4,964,239 )     (60.5 )
Net cash flow generated from operating activities per share (RMB)
    (0.44 )   ???1.12???       (60.5 )


  For the six months ended 30 June  
  2020     2019  
Gross profit margin (%)
    9.2       10.5  
Net profit margin (%)
    5.3       5.3  
Return on assets (%)
    1.9       1.7  
Return on equity (%)
    4.6       4.5  
Return on invested capital (%)
    4.7       4.5  


  As at 30 June 2020     As at 30 June 2019  
Asset-liability ratio (%)
    59.2       59.8  

~ End ~

This press release is issued by PRChina Limited on behalf of SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd.

About SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd.

The Group is a leading energy and chemical engineering company in the PRC with strong international competitiveness and can provide domestic and overseas clients with overall solutions for petrol refining, chemical engineering, aromatics, coal chemicals, inorganic chemicals, pharmaceutical engineering, clean energy, storage and transportation facilities, environmental protection and energy saving, and other industry sectors. The Group can provide overall industry chain services including engineering consulting, technology licensing, project management contracting, financing assistance, EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contracting, as well as design, procurement, construction and installation, lifting and transportation of large equipment, pre-commissioning, start-up, digital delivery and digital factory.

After more than 60 years of continuous development, the Group currently has an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, three academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and nearly 10,000 high-quality professionals. The Group has extensive project management and implementation experience, and owns and cooperatively owns advanced patents and know-how in corebusiness areas. The Group has delivered on schedule hundreds of modern factories with enormous investment, complicated process, advanced technology and high quality to clients in more than 20 countries and regions around the world. The Group has long- term and steady cooperative relationships with large energy and chemical enterprises at home and abroad, maintains an extensive and stable client base, and enjoys remarkableindustrial influence and social reputation.

In the future, the Group will embrace the development positioning of “a service provider for the whole life cycle from project tracking to project operation”, continue to focus on the development strategies of “energy and petrochemical-oriented, innovation-driven, globalization-targeted and value-focused”, promote international expansion, differentiated evolution, digital transformation, smart upgrade, strengthen the exploration and development in the field of renewable energy and new materials, and create a new momentum in achieving the corporate vision of “building a world-leading engineeringcompany”


This press release includes “forward-looking statements”. All statements, other than statements of historical facts that address activities, events or developments that the Group expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future (including but not limited to projections, targets, other estimates and business plans) are forward-looking statements. The Group’s actual results or developments may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors and uncertainties, including but not limited to the price fluctuation, possible changes in actual demand, foreign exchange rate, market shares, competition, environmental risks, possible changes to laws, finance and regulations, conditions of the global economy and financial markets, political risks, possible delay of projects, government approval of projects, cost estimates and other factors beyond the Group’s control. In addition, the Group makes the forward-looking statements referred to herein as of today and undertakes no obligation to update these statements.

Investor and Media Enquiries:
SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. – Office of the Board
Liu Jingjing /Zheng Zhexia
Tel: (86) 10 5673 0523 / (86) 10 5673 0525

PRChina Limited
Liting Chen /Alice Yip / Sherry Ren
Tel: (852) 2522 1838 / (852) 2522 1368
Fax: (852) 2521 9955

File: SEG Announces 2020 Interim Results Seizing Market Opportunities to Continue Improving Operating Results

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