Stock Market Society: Unique Trading Community for Experts, Newbies, and VIPs

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 19, 2020 / Financial experts say that investing in the stock market is one of the fastest ways to grow one’s money. On a mission to make the venture a little bit easier for both experts and incoming investors, the Stock Market Society created a trading community. The platform aims to provide endless knowledge and profitable trades and welcomes anyone into its circle.
Stock Market Society founder and CEO, Alex Iglesias, envisions the company to be “A community where we can all win, fail, and learn together!” Members benefit from Alex’s extensive knowledge about the stock market. Aside from its website, the society is hosted on a platform called Discord where they offer webinars, daily watch lists, trade breakdowns and ideas, and even giveaways.
Before the company’s founding, Alex used his social media platform to post his trades. People would ask him many questions regarding his successful ventures. Later on, Alex was motivated to create a platform where he can provide answers to frequently asked questions about stock trading. Hence, the Stock Market Society was born.
“In less that a year, we have grown to over a thousand members and have built a society with experts from many fields,” shared Alex.
To further enhance and add to its circle of forward-thinkers, the Stock Market Society recently released its VIP service. It has only been open for two months, as of August 1. The exclusive program includes multi-million dollar analysts that alert exact entries and exits. VIP began in June of 2020. It finished 42 out of 48 with a summed total of a whopping 1,400% in Return of Investment (ROI). It continues to grow and more than doubled its results at 3568% ROI at the end of July.
One of the highlights in VIP’s trades was $INTC that went from .37 or $37 per contract to 4.40 or $440 per contract. Another highlight was PINS, which went from .33 to 2.94. VIP is for experts and beginning traders who want to network with other experts. Since its launch, VIP has amassed a community of stock traders, option traders, forex traders, army veterans, firefighters, managers, engineers, and architects. Industry professionals are also on the platform, such as data scientists, athletes, IT experts, nurses, farmers, and even students.
VIP is a diverse society of like-minded individuals. The channel allows each of its members to market themselves, interests, and expertise to the rest of the society. This way, anyone who is on the platform freely connects with experts and professionals all over the world.
The society’s consistency is up to par with hedge funds, and they can deliver returns for all account sizes. Furthermore, the platform also focuses on self development. They Meditate every morning and recently started a book club to discuss a particular book every month. In the future, Alex wants to build a news letter called The Stock Fanatic to reach and educate more people.
Learn more about Stock Market Society on their Instagram.
Company: Stock Market Society
Phone number: 954-558-4132
SOURCE: Stock Market Society
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