Thousands of Personnel Greeting Visitors at Schools, Hospitals and Businesses Across the Country Are Staying Safe During the Pandemic Thanks to South Florida Company, SISCO CORP

RIVIERA BEACH, Fla., Aug. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Known for its A-Pass security system aboard cruise ships, SISCO CORP has turned its technological prowess toward protecting personnel greeting visitors at schools, hospitals and businesses nationwide from COVID-19.

“We’re gratified our advanced security identification systems are protecting front-line personnel greeting visitors at businesses, hospitals and other locations,” said SISCO CEO Anthony Zagami.

“Some are calling our FAST-PASS 7® visitor management system a blessing during this pandemic as it not only captures visitor contact information, but our temperature-reading cameras take a photograph of each visitor at point of entry into a business, hospital or school,” he said.

“Contact information is so important today to keep the virus from spreading for in the event there was exposure, the visitor could be immediately identified and their visit dated to specific time, which facilitates tracking,” he added. 

SISCO’s technology reduces investigative time by providing the hospital, school or business and the CDC with an investigative tool to mitigate risk of the disease spreading further, said Tom Madden, whose public relations firm TransMedia Group is spreading the word why SISCO is the leader in identity management solutions.

For over 25 years, SISCO’s flagship product, A-PASS®, has been the standard in the Marine industry for Identity Management Solutions. After gaining significant experience in Maritime credentialing, FAST-PASS® addressed the need for additional security required by companies to improve guest and employee management and tracking. Today, thousands of SISCO Visitor Management Systems are utilized in hospitals, schools, airports, commercial properties and government buildings throughout the country.

TransMedia said it will be shedding more “life-saving light” on SISCO’s new line of Identity Management Solutions.

In response to the pandemic, SISCO’s team has developed several solutions based on the CDC’s recommendations for stopping the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.

TransMedia said it will underscore what has always been SISCO’s main goal, which is enabling people and businesses to feel more secure and be safer by using their advanced products.”


Since 1994, SISCO has been dedicated to developing best-in-class Visitor Management solutions for credentialing and tracking the general public, compliant with new legislation. SISCO provides world-class security products and services using state-of-the-art technologies and integrated security solutions for an ever-changing business environment today impacted by the pandemic.                                                           

Media contact Dilara Tuncer 941-549-3571;


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