DECN Announces Finalizing of International Genviro! COVID-19 Saliva Swift Kits for Global Market and Establishes Introductory Sales Pricing

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 18, 2020 / Decision Diagnostics Corp. (OTC PINK:DECN), a leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of diabetic test strips engineered to operate on legacy glucose meters through its subsidiary Pharma Tech Solutions, Inc., today announced it is finalizing its Covid-19 Saliva Swift Kits for international use along with its recommended pricing for the global market. International product launch is still expected to begin on September 26, 2020 and last several weeks.
As stated in a prior announcement, the Genviro! Covid-19 Saliva Swift Kits have completed a rigorous round of testing at the Company’s manufacturing and product development facility in Daegu Korea. Initially we will make three retail products available for International professional use: the Genviro! Swift Kit Saliva consisting of 1 test strip, an interface sleeve adapter, one saliva collection vessel, diluent, package inserts and will be priced at $8.95 wholesale with an MSRP of $29.95; the Genviro! Swift Kit Meter that will include 1 meter good for up to 100 test readings, an instructional video on computer media, which can also be accessed at the web site, a meter user’s guide manual, and package insert. The meter will wholesale for $19.95 with an MSRP of $39.95 and will include a user’s manual, package insert and the afore mentioned DVD containing the company’s GenViro! instructional video in English, with sub-titles in four other languages, Russian, German, French and Spanish. Finally the third product will be our Genviro! Swift Verify Kit which will include 1 test strip, an interface sleeve adapter and package insert, and is designed to provide a follow up Covid-19 test should that be desired. The Swift Verify kit will be priced at $6.95 wholesale with an MSRP of $24.95.
“With our target date of September 26th to have our first distributor order in place and delivery expected soon thereafter, the tweaking we are now doing represents the final stages of bringing this to international markets,” said CEO Keith Berman. “We have created a “skinny” version of the full Swift Kit that we are calling Verify for the purpose of addressing any potential errors on the part of professionals administering the original test, or in the rare event the test is inconclusive, as well as assisting those individuals who for whatever reason may want the test administrator to help provide the additional peace of mind that a second result will bring.”
The Swift Kit Meter will be capable of providing a positive or negative result in approximately 10 seconds and allows for multiple testing to take place anytime, anywhere.
Decision Diagnostics Corp. is the leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of diabetic test strips engineered to operate on legacy glucose meters. DECN’s products are designed to operate efficiently and less expensively on certain glucose meters already in use by almost 7.5 million diabetics worldwide. With newly inspired technology diabetic test strips already in the final stages of development, DECN products compete on a worldwide scale with legacy manufacturers currently selling to 71+ percent of a $15+ billion at-home testing market. On September 26, 2020 the company plans to launch its International package versions of its GenViro! Swift Kit and Swift Meter. The company, as a patriotic American company, would have loved to have first introduced our Genviro! Swift Kits in the USA, however, our GenViro!™ product is awaiting FDA authorization and is not yet available in the United States or Puerto Rico. Emergency (EUA) Waivers are in process with the U.S. FDA.
Forward-Looking Statements:
This release contains the company’s forward-looking statements which are based on management’s current expectations and assumptions as of September 17, 2020, regarding the company’s business and performance, its prospects, current factors, the economy, and other future conditions and forecasts of future events, circumstances, and results.
Decision Diagnostics Corp.
Twitter: @covidswiftkit
SOURCE: Decision Diagnostics Corp.
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