Presidential Candidate Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente Salutes U.S. Workers on 126th Anniversary of Labor Day

Calls for Congress to immediately act on return from recess Sept. 8 and pass second stimulus package to help unemployed in despair get back to work
WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#Congress–Presidential candidate Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente is commemorating Labor Day 2020 today by calling on Congress to pass the second stimulus package when their summer recess ends tomorrow to get more people back to work in a nation reeling from massive unemployment due to COVID-19.
“Most jobs in the U.S. Senate, the House and the White House are secure, so they’re all comfortable, with the best health insurance, and have no incentive to get that second stimulus package passed,” declared De La Fuente. “It’s a travesty and a betrayal of every unemployed American every day, but especially on Labor Day.”
According to a Forbes online article Saturday, although both Senate Republicans and Democrats are in favor of further support for programs, including a second draw of PPP funding, additional unemployment benefits, money for schools to invest in PPE and postal service funding, their inability to finalize a package is rooted in the amount of funding they seek.
Over more than a half century, De La Fuente’s various business and industrial interests, financial ventures, real estate transactions, commercial and corporate enterprises in numerous states and overseas have generated tens of thousands of construction and long-term jobs, both directly and indirectly. Total payrolls over the decades are estimated to be in the billions of dollars, resulting in significant economic stimulus.
“I’ve seen first-hand the pride people have in earning a good living with meaningful and rewarding employment, and the dignity and self-esteem it generates when they can take care of their family. I cannot imagine the personal and emotional pain, the heartbreak and sadness, someone feels when they can’t,” said De La Fuente.
De La Fuente is the Alliance Party’s nominee for president, with running mate Darcy G. Richardson. He is also the presidential nominee for the American Independent Party, the Reform Party of the United States, and the Natural Law Party in Michigan.
Michelle M. Griffith, APR