Sultan Capital Group Announces Strategic $20 Million PPE Partnership with Margma Malaysia

Affordable Medical-Grade Nitrile Exam Gloves to Be Distributed to US Market During 2021 Q1
NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / January 5, 2021 / Today, Sultan Capital Group announced the signing of its agreement with Margma Malaysia to distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) in the United States. The strategic partnership will bring $20 million dollars’ worth of nitrile examination gloves to be distributed by Margma over the first three months of 2021. The goal of the Sultan Capital Group is to support hospitals and private companies with a steady stream of the highest-grade PPE at a fair and affordable price.
“We are proud to have signed a significant deal with Margma for nitrile examination gloves and contributing a solution to the great need for PPE in the United States,” said Guy Sultan, President of the Sultan Capital Group. “When we hear about the PPE shortages affecting American hospitals, the typical response is ‘What are they going to do about it?’ The ‘they’ are companies like ours. We are addressing the issue head-on. We provide the highest quality supplies to protect medical professionals from the virus that causes COVID-19. There is a great need for full protective gear in the US right now, especially with the current major surge in cases. Sultan Capital Group is committed to giving the US market access to protective gloves for frontline healthcare staff who come in contact with contagious individuals, often treating patients for 12-hour shifts.”
In treating COVID-19 patients, medical staff must dispose of used gloves in-between patients, thoroughly wash their hands and then put on a new pair of gloves. Sultan added, “When you think of the enormity of the volume of supplies needed across the USA, it is obvious that importing $20 million worth of the best nitrile gloves will make a difference in the quality of working conditions and the safety of professionals, patients and families.” Indeed, hospital staff fatigue and burnout are compounding the already serious challenges of containing the pandemic.
Sultan Capital Group has been a reliable leader with a solid reputation in the import industry since 2016. To date, they have supplied $7 million of medical supplies to hospitals and private medical facilities. This most recent deal was agreed to in response to the enormity of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Global conditions have presented the need for reliable and cost-effective PPE, especially as the pandemic continues far beyond what was originally expected. The coronavirus is far more contagious than public health organizations had originally thought, underscoring the necessity for quality PPE materials as vitally important to protect individuals from infection.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is mandated when caring for patients with confirmed or suspected exposure to the Covid-19, and any infectious disease to present transmission between people. PPE must be of the highest standard and approved by quality control standard operating procedures. It is essential that equipment be used correctly, deliberately conforming to strict medical safety guidelines. Sultan Capital Group has demonstrated excellence in production of its nitrile examination gloves highlighting the Sultan Capital Group and its partner Margma as preferred vendors for PPE equipment.
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SOURCE: Sultan Capital Group
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