Meet Kweku Darfoor, South Florida’s Leading Personal Injury Lawyer And Founder of Darfoor Law

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL / ACCESSWIRE / February 13, 2021 / In the last 6 years, Kweku Darfoor has quickly become South Floridian’s top choice for legal representation following a personal injury. His savviness combined with extensive experience in high profile cases has resulted in hundreds of satisfied clients and millions of dollars in settlements.
How did you decide to pursue a career in law?
KD: From a young age, my parents instilled values of hard work and ethics in me. Although my family is originally from Ghana, I was born in Sierra Leone, where my father was working as a high commissioner. I moved to the states with my parents when I was just 6 years old and I watched them give up the comfortable, well-to-do lifestyle they’d known in Africa in exchange for menial, low-paying jobs. They had to start from the beginning and rebuild themselves entirely. So a part of me always wanted a career that I could help others while making my parents proud.
Did you immediately begin your career in law after graduating?
KD: My start in the law industry wasn’t exactly easy. I attended Florida Atlantic for my undergraduate degree in economics, but my first few jobs were actually in sales. I worked with various real estate, technology, and financing firms up until the real estate crisis and market crash of 2008. I realized I didn’t want to continue in the unpredictability of sales, so I decided to go back to school, this time for a law degree. I simultaneously obtained my MBA from Nova Southeastern University and my law degree from Florida State University, College of Law. I studied and passed the bar exam, but some complications with my background check created a 3-year delay in me being able to obtain my license and start practicing law. This was a dark and difficult season.
When did Darfoor Law come into play?
KD: While I waited for my license, I went back to working in sales, I was living with my sister in Washington DC, so when an opportunity to move back to Florida opened up, I jumped at the opportunity. I returned to South Florida with just a suitcase of clothes, a laptop, a cell phone, and $500 in my checking account. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to have a friend who let me crash on his couch. I settled in and founded Darfoor Law from his kitchen table.
What were those first few months like?
KD: The first few months starting any business are tough, but building up a solid client base as a lawyer was incredibly difficult. I took a part-time job at a document review firm to make ends meet and was spending evenings marketing my firm to the best of my ability. At this point, I was doing a little bit of everything, from immigration, to real estate law, personal injury, family law, and business litigation. I decided I needed to choose a specialty if I ever wanted to stand out, so I decided to focus solely on personal injury and business litigation.
How did you choose that path?
KD: Right around the time I was determining my niche, our community experienced a great tragedy. On October 18th, 2015, Corey Jones was shot and killed by a police officer in plain clothes, Nourman K. Raja. I had personally known Corey from high school so this hit particularly close to home. I was hired to represent the family and over the course of the trial, evidence from a recording surfaced and the police officer was ultimately found guilty and sentenced to 25 years in prison. This was a high-profile case and while the stress and pressure of being thrust into the spotlight was a lot to handle as a young lawyer, it was a pivotal point in my career.
What followed in the next few years?
KD: My team and I are still working on a civil suit to bring closure to the family but this case brought a lot of publicity to Darfoor Firm so we’ve been busier than ever helping other individuals who have experienced personal injuries. These are everyday people who are just going to work, to school, or coming home to their families. It’s tragic to think that another person’s negligence could alter the course of their entire lives. I try to do all I can to help these individuals and their families and I’m also passionate about giving back to my community. I’m a board member for both the Urban Philanthropies (a non-profit community development organization serving underserved communities in South Florida) and the Corey Jones Scholarship Foundation.
How has 2020 impacted your business and the law industry as a whole?
KD: The impact of Covid-19 has created great delays in the legal system. Cases are backed up from March. All of my hearings have been virtual and the backlog worsens every day. I expect that it will be a few years before the court systems have caught up and are back to normal. However, our firm has taken this opportunity to focus on the clients we have and best serve them despite our uncertain times. In fact, October 2020 was our firm’s biggest month in history.
What can we expect from you in 2021?
KD: I’m looking forward to another big year in 2021, our goal is to help and provide great representation to as many folks as possible. I believe in keeping a lean, efficient team, to maintain a boutique feel for our clientele but I am planning to bring on another junior lawyer in 2021. Whether I’m working on a personal injury or business litigation case, I am passionate about providing exceptional service to every client that walks through my doors.
To learn more about Darfoor Law, or to schedule a consultation call, visit
Contact Name: Kweku Darfoor
Business Name: Darfoor Law
Address: 100 SE 3rd Avenue, Suite 1000, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
Phone Number: 1-833-DARFOOR
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SOURCE: Kweku Darfoor
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