Klaus Gmirr, Owner of a Solar Marketing Company, Is Helping Take Part in the Switch to Renewable Energy

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 20, 2021 / If you think of solar and renewable energy, marketing isn’t typically the first thing that comes to mind. But Klaus Gmirr, owner of the solar lead generation company, Solar Geniuses, is looking to change that.

Solar energy is an ever expanding industry. An increasing amount of homeowners and businesses are tired of high energy bills every single month, plus they want to be more environmentally conscious. Energy from the sun is some of the most clean yet powerful energy produced!

The top reasons consumers typically consider switching to solar energy are because they want to eliminate/lower their rising energy bill, increase their property value, protect the environment, and show their commitment to sustainability. Switching to solar energy is a “no brainer” for most, but there are still many people who are not on board with the idea yet. The number one reason people may not yet be sold on solar yet is simply because they aren’t aware of the option to switch to solar energy.

Many solar companies are still relying on going door to door as their only method of making people aware of the benefits of solar energy. “Solar companies are missing out on hundreds if not thousands of opportunities to help people switch to solar every month just because they aren’t marketing online,” says Klaus Gmirr.

Although taking your solar company online is something you should do, Klaus from Solar Geniuses’ recommends to be cautious when adding social media lead generation to your businesses marketing tool belt. Klaus explained a few hurdles that may come if you’re in the solar industry and learning about the online marketing space.

First of all, the process required to successfully generate opportunities through social media with people interested in solar takes quite a bit of self education. There is an art to creating an educational yet highly converting online ad. Then from there you need to learn targeting the correct audience, demographic, and geographic area. This all takes time, patience, and learning from the correct resources.

If generating your own online opportunities is not quite in your wheelhouse, then maybe you should consider hiring an expert who has already invested the hours, the hard work, and the ad spend into mastering this process. “Unfortunately, there are a lot of marketing companies out there who promise the world but never truly deliver… or if they do deliver, it’s late, poor-quality, or you spend a small fortune with nothing to show for it. In an industry that’s built on over promising and under delivering, we’re taking a stand to do it differently. We are recreating the standard for providing marketing solutions for solar and renewable energy companies,” says Klaus. The moral of the story is that you should make sure you feel confident and trusting of who you decide to work with.

Klaus Gmirr started dipping his toes into the business of marketing. “I learned to manage social media marketing campaigns, and as I spent more time on them, I better understood how to use them to drive businesses’ ROI. That evolved into me doing more ads solely for other brands and companies. From there, I started running for various industries but landed solely on solar and renewable energy companies. After discovering that the need for marketing in the solar and renewable energy industry was so big, he dove head-first into solar marketing. In 2018, Klaus started California-based Solar Geniuses with the goal to help as many solar companies grow and scale as quickly as possible.

Solar Geniuses is a solar and renewable energy marketing agency obsessed with creating lean, mean (and green) ROI machines for their clients that just work. If you’re looking to connect, book an intro call at solargeniuses.co.

Contact Name: Klaus Gmirr
Business Name: Solar Geniuses
Phone: (408) 351-8323
Email: Info@solargeniuses.com
Website Link: http://solargeniuses.co/

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SOURCE: Klaus Gmirr

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