3 Factors That Influence Contact Center Customer Experience

Customer experience should be the number one concern for anybody running a contact center. 

Customer experience is a rather broad term – it encompasses everything that might influence or affect the person on the other end of the telephone line. Here are three factors that influence customer experience. 

Staff Training 

Customer experience is often determined by how well they have been treated by the operator on the other end of the line, and there are plenty of things that influence that experience. Perhaps the most important variable – and the one over which you have the most control – is staff training. Improperly trained personnel will never be in a position of success for themselves, the customer, or your company. 

It is extremely important that call center managers identify areas where more staff training is needed. Analytics services can help keep tabs on where staff work quality is falling below standard. Learn more about how data analytics can help identify areas for improvement to guide your training at www.aceyus.com/call-center-analytics/.

Follow Through

To keep customers happy in the long term, their concerns need to be acted upon and addressed. A customer will quickly become frustrated if a productive conversation with a representative yields no resolution. Administrative organization is essential for call center effectiveness and business success. 

Data silos need to be eliminated wherever possible. Data silos prevent departments from communicating effectively and make it very hard to ensure that appropriate actions are taken to support the customer. 

Hold Time 

Hold time is one of the most important factors in the customer experience. Early in the pandemic, customers were on hold more than ever since many call center operators were required to work from home, sometimes with inadequate resources or technology, leading to low motivation and sense of being overworked. 

Capacity management is key to reducing hold times. If your contact center receives a high volume of calls, your operations should scale up accordingly. Analytics reports can help you project future demand and strategize any scale-up that is needed. 

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