SANDSIV Wins Frost & Sullivan Award for Leadership in European VoC Industry

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, 24.06.2021 – SANDSIV, EMEA’s leading customer experience management solution provider, has won the 2021 Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Product Leadership Award in the European Voice of the Customer industry. The award follows recognition of SANDSIV’s flagship sandsiv+ platform by both Gartner and Forrester Research as a VoC market leader, marking SANDSIV’s arrival as a global leader in the CX/VoC space.

SANDSIV’s market leadership extends beyond Europe. From its headquarters in Switzerland, SANDSIV delivers CX solutions to clients in 16 countries, including multinational telecommunications firms A1 Group and MTN Group.

The Frost & Sullivan award recognizes SANDSIV’s leadership in three key aspects of the CXM industry: business innovation, technological disruption, and measurable benefits to client companies. Thirteen CXM vendors were considered for the award.

Frost & Sullivan were particularly impressed by sandsiv+’s combination of power and flexibility. SANDSIV has consistently led the field in the application of new zero-touch technologies for capturing feedback, making actionable sense of customer data with AI-powered analytics, and delivering richly augmented visualizations of that analysis. Its K8s-based automated deployment system helps SANDSIV tailor the platform to each customer’s exact needs and allows sandsiv+ to integrate seamlessly with the most complex and advanced IT infrastructures.

“We are proud to lead the European VoC space,” says SANDSIV’s CEO Federico Cesconi. “As a Swiss company, located in the heart of Europe, we feel a special obligation to maintain the highest standards of quality, reliability, and security. We are glad that Gartner, Forrester, and now Frost & Sullivan agree.”

Frost & Sullivan, a global business growth consultancy with a 60-year history, was impressed both by sandsiv+’s raw capabilities and proven reliability, and by its demonstrated ability to measurably improve business performance.

“SANDSIV offers a superior solution,” notes Frost & Sullivan’s award announcement, “that is powered by cutting-edge AI, with advanced analytics and visualization capabilities and a comprehensive range of functionalities that allow businesses to capture VoC across multiple channels, improve customer services, and differentiate from competitors.”

That sentiment is echoed by the very analysts who assessed SANDSIV against the competition.

“sandsiv+ advances customers’ business intelligence to a completely new level,” notes Frost & Sullivan research analyst Federico Teveles, “providing customers with a view on what is happening behind the scenes and delivering exceptional value to end-user organizations.

“SANDSIV sustains its success through its strong commitment to a customer-centric product design,” he continues. “sandsiv+’s modular architecture increases the agility of the platform and enables customers to use the functional modules they need so they can adapt the solution to their context.”

Download the full report (PDF) by clicking here:–sullivan-recognizes-sandsiv-as-the-leader-in-the-european-voice-of-the-customer-software-solution-industry

To learn more about how SANDSIV helps companies consider the voices of their customers in everything they do, please contact us at or


SANDSIV is a Swiss software provider located in Technopark Zurich, Switzerland’s main technology hub. Listed as a leading VOC vendor in Gartner’s recent VOC Market report, SANDSIV has built its reputation in delivering its state-of-the-art Voice of the Customer enterprise solutions “sandsiv+” to advanced CX teams at leading organizations throughout EMEA, including leading companies in the telco, financial services, utilities, retail and transportation sectors.

About sandsiv+
sandsiv+ captures, analyses, integrates, improves, and measures the customer experience. Introduced in 2014, the next-generation CX platform harmonizes data from any direct or indirect channel, and generates inferred data using artificial intelligence. Its analytical features are built on advanced AI technologies including Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Machine Learning, providing for the increasingly unsupervised production of faster and more accurate actionable insights, and allowing organizations to act responsively and plan wisely. The platform supports complex integration, customization and configuration.

Silvia Bello

Source: RealWire

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