Latino Wall Street Presents The Randy Garcia Bootcamp: Financial Education Program of the Year Right Around the Corner

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 24, 2021 / For many people, especially those who have no experience in the financial industry, investment education seems an almost unattainable path, reserved only for those who dedicated years of their lives to a university career or for millionaires who live off investments and seem magically unfold in an environment that, to other mortals, looks like a quicksand trap. Well, with the growth of digital education and the arrival of professionals willing to share their knowledge and experience, this scenario is changing.

This is precisely the case of Randy García or Randy Wall Street, as he is affectionately known in the middle. From his role as official instructor of Latino Wall Street, the # 1 financial education academy in Spanish, Randy has stood out in the world of financial education for Latinos thanks to his innovative formula to teach Latinos, from scratch, how to get the most out of it. the benefits available from trading on the stock market.

A disruptive formula to teach investing

A loose end in the new boost in financial education that is very common, is that the vast majority of investment courses in the stock market focus solely on the technical aspect, simply teaching students how to operate the markets and leave on the outside what is really required for people to create true prosperity: their own relationship with money.

Although it may seem like a soft skill, the relationship with money is decisive when it comes to whether or not a person is successful in achieving financial freedom, even beyond the amount of money that he manages to generate each year. This is the explanation of why many people do not achieve the stability and prosperity they want despite having large incomes and why other people manage to grow and build fortunes in record time, starting with minimal amounts of money.

The Randy Wall Street Bootcamp, a program with proven results.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the Randy Wall Street phenomenon is its accessibility. The training programs of this Venezuelan investment mentor are characterized by their proximity and how easy they are to access. Literally anyone who wants to learn about investing can participate and the results are practically guaranteed.

Its most recent launch is no exception to this rule: The Randy Wall Street Bootcamp, so simple as it sounds, this investment training program has a reputation of its own because it has been launched twice in the last 2 years, achieving exceptional results. and breaking attendance records in financial education programs in Spanish.

During the years 2019 and 2020, more than 1,500 people were trained in the Randy Wall Street Bootcamp; most of them were students who entered the program lacking any level of knowledge or experience in the stock market. These people, who started from scratch, lived a transformative experience that not only showed them how to start operating on the stock market, but they were totally reprogrammed to turn all the projects in which they are involved into gold; ‘The Midas,’ as Randy fondly calls his more advanced students.

True wealth is intangible

As if it were a humanizing investment agent, Randy Wall Street insists that no amount of money is capable of bringing true happiness to your life; real happiness emanates from family and peace, and money is simply a means to achieve this. In fact, the method that he teaches in his Bootcamp, allows students to operate the stock market with a very structured strategy, which does not require too much time in front of the screen and allows to enjoy life and family with greater freedom. A kind of dream come true for many traders who usually spend up to 40 hours a week trading.
“I like to see how my students obtain excellent results, those that are capable of changing your life forever. Trading is like any job: you have to work a lot and you have to study a lot and when you get good at something, you do well. What happens is that in common jobs you do well in an office… or in some boring place. With trading you do well from anywhere that makes you happy. You can do it from your home, from the beach or from anywhere, without having to have a schedule “.

When and how?

The third edition of the Randy Wall Street Bootcamp is just around the corner. A couple of weeks ago, the Master Investment Coach communicated, through his social networks and the official Latino Wall Street account. The registration for the Bootcamp will be open until August 28 and that places will be limited to guarantee maximum attention to each student.
Finally, he commented that the Bootcamp will have 3 days of intensive training: Saturday 29, Sunday 29 and Tuesday 31 August.

Free class here
IG: @randywallstreet


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