85 Percent of US and UK businesses forced to adopt new cybersecurity protocols and tools as a result of COVID-19

Research from SecureAge details key trends in cybersecurity prevention and responses during the pandemic
10 November 2021 – Eighty five percent of US and UK employers were forced to adopt new cybersecurity measures because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to remote working, according to SecureAge Technology’s 2021 COVID & Cybersecurity Study. When asked what types of tools they had implemented, 60% of US and UK business said that they had adopted cloud-based solutions, while 45% said they had embraced file level encryption and 41% had installed full disk encryption to bolster their cybersecurity infrastructure.
However, it wasn’t always an easy transition and the report shows that some 41% of US businesses and 38% of UK businesses said that ‘technical implementation challenges’ were the primary hurdle in getting their new COVID-driven cybersecurity protocols and strategies in place.
“The pandemic has fundamentally changed the way that we work,” said Jerry Ray, COO, SecureAge Technology. “And while many businesses have done well to adapt to remote work environments, many are still grappling with the learning curve and nuances of how to secure them effectively. This research shines a light on how employers are tackling some of these emerging cybersecurity challenges, as well as on the pain points and hurdles that remain in their way.”
“Clearly, many businesses did not have the right defences in place once the pandemic hit and were forced to scramble to keep up and overcome technical challenges,” added Ray. “Modern cybersecurity depends on agility and sophisticated tech, so it is no surprise that businesses are adopting tools that equip them with the ability to respond to new threats on the fly and lock down all sensitive data. After all, nothing frustrates a cybercriminal more than getting their hands on useless, encrypted data.”
For more information on the 2021 COVID & Cybersecurity Study please click here: https://www.secureage.com/article-2021-secureage-covid-cybersecurity-study. For more information on SecureAge please visit: www.secureage.com.
Press contact Raissa Sutopo – raissa@secureage.com
About SecureAge Technology
SecureAge Technology is a rapidly growing data security company that places security and usability on equal footing. Headquartered in Singapore, we are trusted by governments, research institutes, and forward-thinking organizations to protect them from the most advanced and persistent cyber threats in the world. What makes SecureAge different, is we have built a reputation for data-centric and intuitive security solutions that protect data not only when it is stored, but also when it is in use, and in transit. We’ve achieved this by holding strong reign on our belief that users shouldn’t have to become cybersecurity experts to escape data liabilities. Instead, encryption should be inherent, invisible, and instinctive. To protect data when it is most vulnerable, security must take place at the file-level, operate silently in the background, and support the way in which people collaborate. That’s why our users can divert their resources to focus on other challenges – SecureAge users enjoy 100% file-level security, every file, every place, and every time. For more information visit www.secureage.com and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Issued by: PRPR Ltd
Peter Rennison / Tracey Treanor 01442 245030 pr@prpr.co.uk / traceyt@prpr.co.uk
Source: RealWire