Jeff Alderman, An AdMedia Executive, Featured in a New Podcast

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / January 3, 2022 / AdMedia and its CEO Danny Bibi have presented a podcast conversation with one of its valued executives, Jeff Alderman. The podcast featured on Industry Elites explains the importance of digital marketing in today’s business landscape while offering important insights into the inner workings of the field.

Jeff Alderman has 25 years of experience in the world of digital marketing. Since its infancy, he has been working in the field, tracing its development across the decades. He has had a front-row seat to the changes that have taken place in digital marketing, and he is a valuable resource for professionals who want to understand the field and how it works.

The industry’s exponential growth in the wake of Covid has helped companies expand their user bases and solidify their online activities. In some cases, companies have been overwhelmed by new orders and keeping up with new customer segments.

Today, client expectations have risen because business has increased overall speed. Customers want their online purchases to appear immediately, and they have grown impatient with supply-chain issues and shipping delays. Alderman explains how companies can keep up with demand and attract the best possible customers in the podcast.

Danny Bibi and his company specialize in Contextual Targeting Advertising, and Alderman explains these concepts and how they relate to digital marketing as a whole. Contextual Targeting Advertising provides a rich source of customer data without resorting to the notorious third-party cookie, which will soon be phased out in most major Internet browsers.

Contextual targeting brings in customers’ search behavior, website visiting patterns, and many other criteria to create a viable customer portrait without sacrificing privacy.

According to Jeff Alderman, clients should fully understand their customers’ behavior using these proprietary techniques. Using these techniques, companies can increase their ROI, grow their customer base, and become more successful overall.

Listen to the podcast today and take advantage of this unique opportunity to understand digital marketing from the inside out. When you listen, you will come away with a new understanding of how you can improve your company’s digital marketing techniques and reach a better audience. Using digital marketing to its fullest will help your company keep up with today’s increased demand while taking advantage of a new customer base.

About AdMedia

The company specializes in Contextual Targeting Advertising and other proprietary techniques that can help companies increase their ROI while respecting consumer privacy. The company has an excellent command of digital marketing and is ready to help any client enhance its prospects online. Danny Bibi and Jeff Alderman invite marketing executives and other interested parties to listen to the podcast and learn more about their company and today’s digital marketing landscape.

Contact Information

Danny Bibi
Founder and President, AdMedia
6320 Canoga Avenue, Suite 200
Woodland Hills, California 91367

Phone: (800) 296-7104
Twitter: @Ad_Media


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