eureKARE supports eureKING in EUR 150 million listing of the first European healthcare SPAC dedicated to biomanufacturing

eureKARE supports eureKING in EUR 150 million listing of the first European healthcare SPAC dedicated to biomanufacturing

  • Launch of eureKING represents a milestone in eureKARE’s mission to harness Europe’s untapped leadership in biotechnology
  • eureKING’s ambition is to become a major European player for outsourcing of biopharmaceutical manufacturing
  • A solid project with seven founders, initiated and led by eureKARE, and a management team led by international healthcare industry experts

Luxembourg, Belgium, and Paris, France – 12 May 2022: eureKARE (“the Company”), a pioneering company focused on financing and building next generation biotechnology companies in the disruptive fields of synthetic biology and the microbiome, today announces the successful IPO on Euronext Paris (Professional Segment) of eureKING, the first European SPAC1 in healthcare dedicated to biomanufacturing that has been co-founded by eureKARE.

As founders of eureKING, eureKARE and its CEO Rodolphe Besserve bring biopharma expertise, combining novel industry monitoring and analysis with a strong track record of quick, agile and transparent investment processes.

Rodolphe Besserve, CEO of eureKARE and Co-Founder of eureKING, commented: Since its inception, eureKARE has been committed to boosting innovation within Europe’s biotechnology sector by providing companies with the right tools to grow, prosper and contribute positively to society, bringing Europe’s underexploited innovative sciences to fruition. Pooling together eureKARE’s expertise with that of key European industry leaders to create the first European healthcare SPAC dedicated to biomanufacturing, eureKING, is the next step in eureKARE’s journey to continue supporting European innovation in biotechnology to even greater magnitudes.

eureKING’s ambition is to become a major European player in the field of outsourcing of biopharmaceutical manufacturing and processing. eureKING intends to take a decentralized approach by providing a grouped offer of services. It will help meet the logistical and manufacturing needs of biotech companies and the pharmaceutical industry while supporting the development of new innovative therapies, regardless of the size or clinical development stage of these companies and their products.

eureKING intends to target companies specializing in three highly innovative, fast-growing segments: the production of biological products, cell and gene therapies and live biotherapeutics.

Michael Kloss, CEO and Co-Founder of eureKING, said: eureKING’s mission will be to support the development of the biomanufacturing industry in Europe, one of the most promising sectors of the healthcare industry today. A key element of this will be the support of eureKARE, whose wealth of experience in supporting innovation and companies within the biotechnology sector will be invaluable in bringing together within a single entity some of the most innovative European players in biomanufacturing and service to the biopharmaceutical industry in order to compete with the leading international CDMOs.”

eureKING’s seven founders have diverse and complementary backgrounds in healthcare and finance:

Mr. Michael Kloss, CEO of eureKING, former Chairman and CEO of Panasonic Healthcare and former Chairman and CEO of Ascencia Diabetes Care,

Mr. Gérard Le Fur (acting through and on behalf of his controlled affiliate named Red Blossom Consultants), former CEO of Sanofi-Aventis,

Mr. Alexandre Mouradian, Co-Founder of eureKARE and President of the Mouradian Foundation

Mr. Christophe Jean, Strategic Partner of the private equity fund Oraxys Environment 2, who has held several executive positions in major pharmaceutical groups such as Novartis, Ipsen and Pierre Fabre,

Mr. Hubert Olivier, President of France and Belgium of the McKesson medical group, Chairman of OCP Répartition, Chairman of the Chambre Syndicale de la Répartition Pharmaceutique, former Vice-Chairman of GEMME (l’association GEnérique Même Médicament) and former Chairman and CEO of Teva Santé France,

Mr. Rodolphe Besserve (acting through and on behalf of his controlled affiliate named Muiscare SAS) CEO of eureKARE, former Managing Director at Société Générale Corporate and Investment Banking; and

– and eureKARE SA, the first European network of biotech studios specialized in the creation, financing and support of innovative biotech companies, particularly in the fields of synthetic biology and microbiome. eureKING will benefit from the technology watch and expertise of eureKARE SA’s pan-European team, which will be represented on the Board of Directors by Ms. Kristin Thompson.


About eureKARE

eureKARE is an investment company focused on financing and developing synthetic biology and microbiome innovation across Europe. Driven by the belief that synthetic biology holds the key to many of the world’s most pressing health and environmental challenges, eureKARE’s experienced team is focused on harnessing Europe’s untapped leadership in the field to build the companies of the future. eureKARE is championing a new model of start-up creation and development to create a dynamic ecosystem of early and later stage ventures through its network of biotech studios. Backed by a proprietary AI tool, eureKARE’s studios act as a bridge between academia and industry, helping to catalyze researchers’ innovations into companies with access to all the ingredients they need to grow, prosper, and bring benefits to society.

About eureKING

Founded in March 2022, eureKING is a French SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) formed with the aim of acquiring European companies in the field of biomanufacturing, with the ambition of creating a leading bio-CDMO in Europe capable of meeting the growing outsourcing needs of this industry.

eureKING has chosen to focus on three highly specialized and strategic segments of the biopharmaceutical industry: the production of biologics, in particular new generations of monoclonal antibodies or complex proteins, the production of cell and gene therapies and the production of live biotherapeutics (with applications in the microbiome).

Led by an international management team of experienced healthcare industry talent, 100% dedicated to the eureKING project and its development strategy, and supported by a Board of Directors with complementary skills in the pharmaceutical and financial fields, eureKING aims at developing and promoting the promising biomanufacturing sector in Europe on an international scale.

For more information:


Michelle Wilson-André, Head of Communications

Consilium Strategic Communications – Media Relations
Amber Fennell, Sukaina Virji, Genevieve Wilson


NewCap – Media Relations
Nicolas Merigeau
+33 (0)1 44 71 94 98

Arthur Rouillé
+33 (0)1 44 71 00 15


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1Special Purpose Acquisition Company

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