X12 Submits Recommendations for Advancing the HIPAA Mandate to National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics

ARLINGTON, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#EDIX12, an ANSI-accredited standards development organization, announced today the submission of the first in a series of recommendations for advancing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) version of currently mandated transactions to the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS). The NCVHS advises the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) on key health data, privacy and policy issues including HIPAA.

“Based on industry feedback, X12 is using a phased approach to introduce the recommendations rather than present the entire catalog of adopted and mandated transactions all at once,” said Cathy Sheppard, X12’s Executive Director. “Each recommendation covers a set of logically grouped transactions and supporting information targeted to specific health care stakeholders. X12 looks forward to discussing these recommendations in detail with NCVHS members over the coming months.”

For the initial recommendations X12 proposes the following implementation guides for claim submission and remittance advice transaction sets:

  • 008020X323 Health Care Claim: Professional (837)
  • 008020X324 Health Care Claim: Institutional (837)
  • 008020X325 Health Care Claim: Dental (837)
  • 008020X322 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835)

At a high level, the newer versions of these implementation guides will provide functional enhancements that improve claims and remittance processing across the health care industry.

In the coming weeks, X12 will publish the following online change summary options: a complete list of revisions, a list of revisions specific to business analysts, and a list of revisions specific to programmers.

X12 also will host a webinar series and provide on-demand computer-based training materials to assist implementers with their assessments of the updated implementation instructions part of the 008020 versions.

More information is available at X12.org/news-and-events/x12-recommendations-to-ncvhs.

About X12

X12, chartered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for more than 40 years, develops and maintains EDI standards and XML schemas to drive business processes globally. X12’s diverse membership includes dedicated technologists and business process experts in health care, insurance, transportation, finance, government, supply chain, and other industries. X12’s consensus-building forum enables members to meet regularly to develop syntax-neutral data exchange standards collaboratively. With more than 320 published transaction sets, 1,400 data elements, and more than 40,000 codes available for use, the body of X12’s work can be used to conduct nearly every facet of business-to-business operations. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Angela Jenkins

Angela Jenkins & Associates for X12

303.877.0115 (MT)


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