Waymark Launches Scalable Machine Learning Platform to Accelerate Video Creation for TV and OTT

Waymark makes high quality commercials accessible and easily scalable, allowing media companies and agencies to meet the needs of the changing media landscape.

DETROIT–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Waymark, a pioneer in using artificial intelligence to scale up video production, today announced the next generation of its platform to allow TV and OTT companies to script, produce, and customize videos in minutes. Waymark works with companies from small agencies up to the Fortune 100 to generate millions of dollars in ad revenues by helping them create professional videos quickly and easily and close more deals with local advertisers.

“Professional quality video production is time-consuming and expensive. For most companies we talk to, it’s at best a loss leader and at worst a total blocker for working with the majority of local businesses,” says CEO Alex Persky-Stern. “We’re removing all of the roadblocks to creating high-quality local content, so your team can make commercials in minutes, not hours or days. Our technology optimizes and automates the process for creating visuals, writing scripts, matching music to motion, etc. — basically everything that goes into high quality commercial production. It’s a great complement to traditional production so your team can do more with less.”

Video has become the primary language of business with the rise of social video platforms and streaming services creating more ways for brands to connect with audiences. This has created an unprecedented demand for engaging video content on ever-shorter timelines with modest or no increase in available resources.

Waymark makes it possible to meet that demand by providing a new model for high quality commercial production powered by breakthrough AI technologies. With a natural language interface that is radically fast and easy to use, it’s now possible to produce unique local commercials at real scale and take advantage of the latent demand for quality commercials at the local level.

About Waymark

Waymark is a creative AI company harnessing the power of breakthrough technology to make video production faster and easier than ever before. With a radically simple natural language interface, Waymark makes it possible for anyone to produce professional quality commercials for any platform — including TV and OTT — in a matter of minutes. The company is based in Michigan and is privately held.


Richard Berman


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