South Florida Company eCosmetics Anticipates Post-Pandemic Opportunities

DALLAS, TX / ACCESSWIRE / June 15, 2021 / As the pandemic ends in the United States and the economy resets, a key question has emerged in retail: will shoppers continue to make purchases online, or will they prefer to return to stores and malls? Founded in May 2019 and strategically based in South Florida’s global gateway, eCosmetics arrived as the fortuitous frontrunner in a world that witnessed the living room couch -and not Main Street – become the center of consumer spending. As we exit this historic moment, the company’s leaders offer insights into what’s to come for the company and why the bedrock of brick and mortar may have been permanently undermined.

If timing is everything in business, then as the world ground to a halt in early 2020, eCosmetics was poised to watch perspicacity meet opportunity. While no one could predict the pandemic’s arrival, the company was set to capitalize on the reverberations of quarantines and monumental shifts in shopping habits. At a time of loss, uncertainty and fear, eCosmetics offered a small but necessary palliative – a sense of normalcy and budget-friendly staples purchased from the comfort of home.

While businesses stumbled to adapt to the changed landscape, eCosmetics, a wholly online platform, was able to ship its products anywhere in the country with most orders arriving in fewer than four days. With supply chains disrupted and businesses struggling to fulfill orders, eCosmetics leaned into its cemented pre-pandemic business relationships to ensure service, continuity, and quality.

That its cosmetic and beauty product lineup happened to be the same name-brand, often high-end offerings of department stores and elite cosmetic purveyors amounted to a serendipitous bonus for consumers seeking excellent value in the face of a lurching global economy.

eCosmetics is the brainchild of President and CEO Richard Kirsch and Chief Marketing Officer Alex Irvin. The company benefits from its leaders’ decades of experience, including stints at preeminent ecommerce originators.

Notably, Kirsch and Irvin were founding team members at 1-800-PetMeds, an early adopter of the strictly online business model, where they spent years working in information technology systems and marketing.

When asked about their highs, the duo is more apt to point to their lows, saying these experiences greenlit their current success. Both men survived the dot-com bust – a humbling experience Irvin calls “the cut your teeth moment” – and learned how to operate a lean, efficient business model. This translates to the company’s leadership knowing where to focus its time and money but, more importantly, where not to.

The leaders noted it’s no accident that eCosmetics focuses on lightweight, high margin, reorderable items while emphasizing genuine customer satisfaction that generates enviable repeat traffic among company loyalists. The result is a streamlined creation that is agile and reliable.

The South Florida company is seated with other ecommerce regional heavyweights, including, the Home Shopping Network, and the aforementioned 1-800-PetMeds, all watching as a Florida population and economic boom unfolds and promises even greater opportunity.

eCosmetics also draws on a local well of talented employees from the University of Miami, the University of Florida, and the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship. They have added an impressive team of beauty brand specialists with rich expertise in cosmetics, skin care, and hair care.

Today, despite the reopening of brick-and-mortar stores, experts say the post-pandemic ecommerce die has been cast. It’s a view Kirsch and Irvin share, with global online sales surging and forecasted to reach $4.2 trillion this year.

“We are the right company at the right time. The convenience and savings of ordering from is here to stay. People have told us they don’t want to return to fighting for parking at malls and overpaying for cosmetics at packed beauty counters. With a few clicks, you get the same items delivered to you for less. It’s a game changer,” Kirsch said.

The company plans to expand business beyond the U.S. later this year and is collaborating with popular beauty influencers to develop private label products to offer its quickly expanding customer base.

“If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that previously unshakeable assumptions and fundamental human behaviors have indeed shifted. eCosmetics will continue to provide our customers with excellent value and top-notch service beyond the pandemic,” Irvin said.


SOURCE: eCosmetics

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