Flash Memory Summit Teams with IDC for Industry Insights in Global Data Storage Market

IDC Analysts Offer Insights for Virtual FMS attendees on how Flash Memory Revolutionizes the Future of Cloud-based and Enterprise Data Storage
SANTA CLARA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Flash Memory Summit (FMS), the world’s premiere flash memory conference and exposition, today announced that International Data Corporation (IDC), a leading worldwide provider of market intelligence for information technology, has partnered with Virtual FMS for the 2020 online conference. FMS will be held as a virtual event on November 10-12, 2020.
IDC’s senior team of analysts will be participating at the Virtual FMS event presenting industry insights on how flash memory is revolutionizing the future of cloud and enterprise storage. The team will cover the entire ecosystem around flash memory including solid state storage, NVMe-based All-Flash Arrays, and other enabling high-speed data storage solutions. As a bonus, the IDC team will also be sharing a sneak peek into some of the leading predictions from its IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Cloud 2021 Predictions.
“Flash Memory Summit continues to represent the best single event for learning about the new trends in storage technology and for networking, whether it’s in-person or virtual,” said Matt Eastwood, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Infrastructure, Cloud Developers and Alliances, IDC. “Our analysts are there to share their knowledge and to learn first hand from those developing the latest in flash memory technology. We are pleased to be associated with this important conference.”
Attendees can view IDC presentations on key trends in storage technologies that address the edge, core, and cloud as customers plan their enterprise IT infrastructure. IDC analysts will host live chats to answer questions on current storage and high-speed memory technologies. Featured session presentations will focus on:
- Evolution of SSD Storage in Public Cloud
- The Role of Flash in Enterprise Data Protection
- Cloud Workloads Driving Flash Adoption
- Storage Vendor Innovations with Emerging Solid-State Technology
- Cloud Services Surging into Production Use Cases
Additionally, there will be a panel discussion on Real World Apps and Solutions for Persistent Memory to share insights on what storage technology solutions customers are buying, and how they cost justify the investment. The panel will include at least three end users along with several IDC analysts.
“We are delighted to host IDC’s expert analysts who will provide real insight and research for the benefit of our Virtual FMS 2020 attendees,” said Chuck Sobey, Virtual FMS Conference Chair. “Our 15th annual FMS will offer both attendees, exhibitors, the technology press and analyst community an easy way to exchange the latest ideas and advances in the flash memory industry.”
To register for Virtual FMS, go to http://FlashMemorySummit.com. Registration begins in September.
About IDC
International Data Corporation (IDC) is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets.
With more than 1,100 analysts worldwide, IDC offers global, regional, and local expertise on technology and industry opportunities and trends in over 110 countries. IDC’s analysis and insight helps IT professionals, business executives, and the investment community to make fact-based technology decisions and to achieve their key business objectives.
Founded in 1964, IDC is a wholly owned subsidiary of International Data Group (IDG), the world’s leading tech media, data and marketing services company that activates and engages the most influential technology buyers. To learn more about IDC, please visit www.idc.com. Follow IDC on Twitter at @IDC and LinkedIn. Subscribe to the IDC Blog for complete industry news and insights into a wide range of enterprise technologies: http://bit.ly/IDCBlog_Subscribe.
About Flash Memory Summit
Flash Memory Summit showcases the industry’s key applications, technologies, vendors, and innovative startups that are driving the multi-billion-dollar non-volatile memory and SSD markets. FMS is the world’s largest event featuring the trends, innovations, and influencers driving the adoption of flash memory in demanding enterprise storage applications, high-performance computing, AI/ML, the cloud, and mobile and embedded systems. For more information, visit www.FlashMemorySummit.com and follow us on Twitter @FlashMem.
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Dan Chmielewski +1.949.231.2965
Suzanne Tuchler +1.408.307.6900
Flash Memory Summit
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