Life Coach And Motivational Speaker, Billy Giannouloudis, Shares How He Is Helping Others Unlock Their Potential To Become The Person They Were Meant To Be

MANSFIELD, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 21, 2020 / Take the next step to live the life you’ve dreamed of, achieve your goals and harness your personal power with Billy G Life Coaching.

Born and raised in Mansfield, MA, Billy always knew he wanted to pursue a career in which he could help people. Although he didn’t know exactly what that path may be, he was clear in his desire to make a difference in the lives of others. He got his first motivational speaking opportunity as early as his senior year of highschool when after having witnessed him give another speech, the school’s soccer coach invited him to speak to the struggling team, hopeful that he may be able to motivate the players to turn the season around. The intended result was accomplished; after Billy spoke to the team, they would go on to produce a seven game winning streak, get out of their losing slump and eventually make it into the semi-finals. While Billy was thrilled at the impact he had been able to have on the team, he still didn’t have a clear vision for how motivational speaking could fit into his life.


The next year he enrolled in Bridgewater State University where he elected to study chemistry. Although he enjoyed his courses, he found himself continuously drawn to psychology and matters of the mind. Realizing the potential to help people reset their mindset through therapy, he switched his major to psychology and went on to graduate with a degree.

Shortly after graduating, Billy experienced a series of events that left him feeling lost and hopeless. When his relationship ended, his grandmother passed away, family struggles and the pressures of work seeming insurmountable, Billy found himself alone on a Saturday evening, mind whirling about what his next steps may be. Looking for distraction or perhaps divine intervention, Billy googled Tony Robbins. A quick search turned up a course that Tony Robbins was hosting that would train others in the same life coaching techniques that Robbins utilized daily. It was as if something had clicked in Billy’s mind and he knew instantly that this was the path he was meant to pursue.

Although he was passionate about the learning he was undergoing and the skills he was obtaining through Tony Robbins’ training, Billy still felt as though something was missing from his life. When a stranger, now his best friend, MJ, found him in the gym, emotional, broken and yet still trying to rep out squats and power through, he invited him to church; an invitation that would alter the course of his life forever. Through going to church with MJ, Billy found God and realized that this had been the missing puzzle piece all along. As soon as he began to turn to God for guidance, instead of relying on himself, things began to fall into place.

Today, Billy’s passions are multifaceted, he is a Strategic Intervention Life Coach, motivational speaker and therapeutic mentor, all offerings exist under the umbrella of Billy G Life Coaching. When offering life coaching services to clients, Billy employs Strategic Intervention, a method that encourages people to take immediate and strategic action in their lives to pursue their goals, meet their needs and achieve a more fulfilling lifestyle. Billy is confident that by shifting your mindset, you can reprogram your thinking to unlock your personal growth potential and find success in all areas of your life. After a client has begun their personal growth journey, they are ready to discover the personal power that lies within. Billy provides clients with the tools and strategies to harness that personal power for optimal success.

As Billy’s motivational speaking abilities have developed over the years, he found himself back in the same highschool soccer locker room, at the behest of the same soccer coach, nearly a decade later. Billy gave another rousing speech to the team, who would go on to win the championship game. Billy does not credit himself for their win, rather he shares that he simply gave them the tools to unlock what was within them all along. A taste of Billy’s motivation can be accessed by anyone, through his YouTube channel Once a Week with Billy G.

When Billy is not life coaching or speaking, he is passionate about working with underserved communities through providing one on one therapeutic mentorship to kids ranging from 5 to 18. Billy’s methods with children differ from his life coaching tactics as he seeks to meet the kids wherever they are and establish a comfortable environment that encourages kids to open up and work through problems in a safe space. Billy is flexible in his approach, sharing that one day he may spend a session drawing with a young child and discussing their homelife, while the next day he may head to the courts for a round of basketball with a teen, simply to get them talking.

Whether he is coaching, speaking or mentoring kids, it is clear that Billy is living out his childhood goal of helping others. According to Billy, this is only the beginning, and he looks forward optimistically to the ways in which he will grow his coaching business in the years to come and continue to help as many people as possible with his motto: “No Doubt Absolute Faith.”


Contact Name: Billy Giannouloudis
Business Name: Billy G Life Coaching
Address: 1410 West St, Mansfield MA 02048
Phone Number: 774-238-2094
Website Link:
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SOURCE: Billy Giannouloudis

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