The Gut Health Coach Chelsea Haines: “Gotta Trust Ya Gut”

The way to a man’s, and woman’s, happiness is through their stomach.
NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 26, 2020 / Participants of Chelsea Haines’ gut healing programs are achieving optimized gut health and equilibrium within the body in as little as four weeks.
The Oracle at Delphi said it best: “Know thyself”.
However getting to that path of self-knowledge as an adult can be tough.
Health Coach Chelsea Haines has been there.
“It was a rough go at the time. My father walked out on us, we lost our house then there was bankruptcy,” she smiles through the hurt in her eyes.
Questioning her self worth only kick-started a relentless pursuit to become an overachiever.
“So many issues from my childhood showed up through my teens and college years. I ran to win the race and, more often than not, I won. However, I was burnt-out. I developed a severe case of psoriasis along with a lot of bad gut issues and poor diet choices.”
Using her College of Charleston psychology degree, Chelsea was armed to begin to know herself…to begin to help herself…to begin to love herself.
“That is where the path begins,” she said.
The first thing that she learned was that her body and mind were connected. Chelsea’s stress had a direct link to her diet, her gut health.
During this same period a failed marriage hit. However, instead of letting loss drag her down, the event gave Chelsea the impetus to find another path for self-development. She became a yoga teacher. This certification led to an opportunity to travel and teach yoga on super-yachts around the world.
Never giving up her self-education on gut health, Chelsea became a certified gut health coach, where she brought her new knowledge and healing techniques to guests and crew onboard yachts, as well as many other high-performing clients.
Her quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement provided her the opportunity to fulfill her deep-rooted desire to help others.
The result? Aside from being newly married to and residing in Panamá with the one true love of her life, Chelsea is living out her dreams by teaching others to achieve a better life through optimal gut health.
“This dream would have never come true if it weren’t for trusting my gut along the relentless pursuit of optimized health and moment-by-moment happiness…. like the way a good daily poop makes you feel!” Chelsea reflects with a bit of pride and a belly laugh as she loves a good pun, and a great ending!
Chelsea teaches her clients self-knowledge exercises which lead to emotional, spiritual and physical self-healing to overcome past traumas and efficiently digest their life. She also hosts a free weekly podcast called “Let’s Start Health” where she interviews expert speakers and shares vulnerable stories of triumph to educate and inspire one’s journey to living their most mindful and optimized life.
Chelsea operates on these FIVE basic principles:
If we want things to be different, we have to do different things. Sounds simple, right? However the ol’ cliche about insanity – “…doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”- is a tough habit to break. Our subconscious brain works hard to keep us safe. However, these outdated beliefs often keep us in emotions that drive our self-harming habit loops. To break it, we need help to rewrite the thoughts and beliefs that keep us stuck. A health coach helps you by focusing on habit change and, going back to the Oracle at Delphi, “Knowing thyself.”
The body absolutely can, and does, heal itself, if given the chance. The mentality that “My body won’t heal, I’m going to be like this forever,” creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Our minds will hold our bodies back unless we can shift our thinking. The good news? Once something is seen, it cannot be unseen. A health coach is the perfect mirror to the blocks that we cannot see or refuse to see. As Chelsea advises, “You need to see the forest through the trees.”
We already have everything that we need, we just need to let go of that which is no longer serving us. The journey to healing is not about doing more. That rigid mindset is harmful and fuels “the hustle and grind” that leads to burnout. Chelsea’s health coaching advises of letting go of the people, mindsets, and habits that no longer serve us.
Our intuition has a wealth of wisdom. This is the time to GTYG – Gotta Trust Ya Gut! Trusting your gut leads to a better life. Digestion is about assimilating nutrients and eliminating toxins, both from our food and our life experiences. If we’re not digesting our food, we’re not properly digesting and then releasing our life traumas. Without a mindset for healing, we feel inflamed, anxious, and distrusting. This leads to mental anxiety and feeling as though being stuck in quicksand. An optimized, mindful life is about physically healing, resulting in a flow of our intuitive wisdom. This literal and figurative flow will result in deep self-knowledge, which will improve our lives.
Life does not have to be “either/or.” Life can be “all and more!” Our desires are good. Our desires lead us towards the purpose and goals of our lives. However, you have to let go of crippling mentalities. For example, making the decision between, “I really want to have healthy habits.” OR “I deserve and want to enjoy a night out with the girls.” We can still be healthy AND enjoy ourselves! We can choose to have it all, and more!
Using her PEEK (Personalized approach, Experience, Expertise, Knowledge) Path, Chelsea has launched a variety of programs aimed at equipping her clients with the tools to achieve their own healing and transforming their body into a state of equilibrium and optimization. Her programs include:
1-1 Coaching: Transform and Trust This 4-month elite program is for high-performers who are ready to dive deep, unlock optimal gut health, and truly digest their life. Chelsea partners with a naturopathic doctor to run a GI map test and create a personalized healing protocol. You will graduate from this program having found the root cause of physical inflammations. You will create a new lifestyle paradigm and habits that bring optimum life benefits to you.
Group Program: A Mindful Life Mastermind Launching in January 2021, this comprehensive 3-month group program will include her signature Gut Health Reset and is designed to support your busy lifestyle. The group will have access to learning modules, educational resources, regular LIVE Zoom calls, expert speakers, and a private Facebook support group.
Gut Health Reset This signature, 4-week self-guided program is meant to serve as the launching pad to your physical healing. This is not a fad diet or a quick fix. This is a healing protocol for you to discover which foods might be aggravating your physical symptoms of bloat, inflammation, acid reflux, autoimmune symptoms, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, chronic fatigue, and/or other physical ailments. The result will be achieving a mental clarity that lifts the fog from your outlook on life.
What to do now: If you or someone you know has been dealing with health issues or even a lifetime of gut health issues, stress, anxiety, bloating, physical pain, and/or emotional pain, then contact Chelsea Haines today to get a free consultation and to learn more about what she can do to improve your life!
Contact Name: Chelsea Haines
Business Name: Chelsea Haines Coaching
Address: New York
Phone Number: +1-401-996-0112
Website Link:
SOURCE: Chelsea Haines
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