Wysa Finds 4 in 10 Working Americans Suffering Moderate to Severe Depression and Anxiety

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Wysa, the conversational AI mental health support leader, today published its ‘All Worked Up Report’ revealing that U.S. employees are dealing with significant mental health challenges, and many are not getting the help they need. The report shows nearly 3 in 4 (74%) would rather speak to an app than their HR team, and 59% would rather speak to an app than their manager.

The report surveyed 1,000 employed Americans aged 16-65 in October 2022, and found workers are more anxious and depressed than ever. 40% of working Americans experienced symptoms of moderate to severe depression and/or anxiety in the two weeks prior.

1 in 3 of those suffering symptoms suggesting moderate to severe depression or anxiety have not yet spoken to a relevant healthcare professional about it. This was due to lack of time (40%), not thinking it serious enough (32%), and embarrassment (29%).

Boss or bot?

When asked who they’d rather go to about their mental health, the survey found:

  • Nearly 3 in 4 (74%) would rather go to the app than approach HR
  • Almost 3 in 5 people (59%) would rather talk to an app than their manager
  • 58% would rather talk to an app than their coworker
  • More than 2 in 3 (68%) would rather talk to an app than their general physician
  • 45% would rather talk to an app than a therapist

“Despite efforts made by employers in the past few years, stigma remains a huge barrier for people who need help,” said Ramakant Vempati, President and Co-founder of Wysa. “It’s clear that people don’t want to talk to their boss, HR, or even their colleagues when stressed, suggesting a strong need for mental care solutions that offer digital access without the need to ask permission.”

The truth on sick days for mental health

One third (34%) of workers admitted to lying about why they were taking a sick day, blaming physical illness when they felt mentally unwell, and 42% said they go to work regardless of whether their mental health is impacting their work. Interestingly, women are much more likely to tough it out, with 53% saying they go to work anyways compared to 31% of men.

Read the All Worked Up Report at www.wysa.io/all-worked-up.


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